How were The Hidden Christians Treated during the Edo Period?
What Does it look like
Hidden and camouflaged
Example: Camouflaged Ways of worship through hidden storages of drawings of the Mother Mary, and rearranging stones on top of the coffin of the dead into a cross for prayer and rearranging it again once finished.
Lasted untill the law was removed in 1873 Meji 6 Era.
Big Ideas
Community and Identity: The resilience and the undying perserverance of the community of the Christians despite the demonization of their religion, was vital for its survival during the troubling time of Edo Japan.
Perspectives Omitted/ Questioned/ Challenged
Non-Christian Japanes Communities: Allyship or not? how were the Christians seen socially? what was it influenced by? Propaganda?
Abandoned Faith: Survival Based Integration from Hidden Christians due to the aggressive and oppresive nature of the christian identity.
Which questions can this source help me answer? Which can it not?
Perspectives Ommitted
Perspectives Unincluded
Big Ideas Surrounding Hidden Christianity
Big Ideas Left Out
What it Looks Like
Who Wrote it and Why
How it Is depicted and Why
Who Wrote it(Video)
Kakure Kirishitan Descendants
How is it Depicted and Why?
It is Depicted through the lens of the Kakure Kirishitan(Hidden Christians) Descendants who talk about how they have bled history, and how this blood has strengthened the DNA that is now the community of the Christian faith in Japan.
Ideas left Out
Women were seldom talked about during the history of Hidden Christians, but they have sustained a crucial role in teaching and sustaining the faith and traditions through teachings and healing, often being the Leaders of the organized commuinties and role models.
Psychological impact: There was lots of humiliation rituals and inhumane ways they killed them, including Crucifixion upon capturing on the hill of Nishikaze, they didn't discriminate upon women nor kids, which had a big impact on the victims and survivors of the religion
Transmission of Faith: The ways in which the faith was spread and practiced, and passed down through a generation where it was absent of written records.
Perspectives Reflected
Hidden Christians: Accounts of history and orgins
Japanese Authorities: Governmental Creed acknowledging the suppression of Christianity through the Tokugawa Shogunate Laws and Policies
Modern Descendants: Descendants of The Hidden Christians talking about the history and highlighting the key information for more awareness of what the hidden christians had to sustain from.