Unit 2:
B1: Theories, Perspectives, Methodologies
-in anthro
-Terminologyand social scientists related to physical and cultural anthro
-Anthropological schools of thought
-Research methods (ethnography, archaeology, linguistics, etc.)
B2: Explain Human Behavior and Culture
-factors that influence
-Infrastructure, structure, superstructure
-multiculturalism vs interculturalism
-history of cultural development and effect on humans
B3: Socialization
-use cultural anthro to explain patterns in socialization
-diversity of culture in micro/macro study (influence)
-communication -language, gestures, behaviours
-universal commonalities and differences
-rituals, customs, religions, kinship
Unit 3:
C1: Theories, Perspectives, Methodologies
-in psych
-psych. schools of thought
-conducting psych research
C2: Explain Human mental Processes and Behaviour
-factors that influence
-human identity, behaviour, development, personality
-mental health challenges and influence on learning and behaviour
-environment factors that affect learning and behaviour
C3: Socialization
-use psychological perspective to explain patterns of socialization
-role of socialization on identity and behaviour (orphanages, feral, isolated children)
-role of personality traits (ie-introverts) on socialization
-ethics in psych (Zimbardo, Milgram, Bandura, etc.)
Unit 1: Research and Inquiry Skills
A1: Explore Topics relating to anthro, psych and sociology
-Intro to what is anthro/psych/soc.
-What kinds of questions would an anthro/psych/sociologist pose when studying individuals in society
-Introduce social scientists
A2: Investigate locate and select info using appropriate SS, inquiry method
-Social inquiry method of conducting research
-APA citing
-Fieldwork and how it is conducted
-Open and Closed questions
-Source Evaluation presentations intro for finding reliable articles
A3: Process assess, analyse and synthesize info
-Assessing/presenting source evaluations to class
-video practice on effective graphic note taking skills
-annotated bibliography
A4: Communicate -clearly and effectively -reflect on skills
-ongoing eval. of format, ability to apply terms, language conventions, research skills.
Unit 4: Socialogy
D1: Theories, Perspectives, Methodologies
-in sociology
-sociologists and their contributions to schools of thought
D2: Explain Social Behaviour
-factors that influence
Factors that affect individual+ group behaviour
-Norms, roles, values
-agents of socialization + cultural influence
-Groupthink, conformity
D3: Socialization
-Sociological perspective to explain patterns of socialization
-social changes as a result of influences from B2 on society
-influences of social institutions on social behaviour