Jung typology Vs. Gilmore and Fraleigh inventory
Extravert 19%
Enjoy being around people
Concerned with the outside world
Sensing 6%
trust facts, observations, and real-world experience
ESFJ (Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging)
feeling 25%
Make decision based on feeling
I go with my gut feeling
Judging 16%
Organizes plans
Go through with the plans
Calm 26- Seek a Win/Win solution, Be someone everyone likes
Storm 25
Calm 24- Sort, Classify, and organize information, Avoid failure and loss
Storm 17
Friendly style
Calm 19- Initiative taking, Pursue power and sucess
Storm 28- Can become more intense to push for action
Calm 31- Compassionate, understanding, Contribute to the betterment of humanity
Storm 30