Knights and Warfare
Knights have always had a very chivalrous attitude, always protecting those in need, especially women.

Women could also become Knights, if they were inducted into an order, or if they had land under a Knights fee.

Combat in the Middle Ages was quite often fought on horseback, and any ground fighting were against heavily armored opponents.

Knights typically fight for a religious cause, like the Knight's Templar. They also go on crusades for their religion.


Since Knights were regarded as heroes, women would often flaunt themselves to them

Knights wore very expensive armor that was usually custom tailored to them, it was also used to block a manner of weapons including blades and arrows.


Knights would often pledge themselves to a person in power. Kings, Queens, Dukes, etc. Swearing their allegiance and giving their lives to them.
Large siege machines were built to invade castles, like the Catapult, or Trebuchet.
Other Siege machines like the Ballista, and Battering ram were also used.

Knights could own land, and were paid and regarded as heroes to those around them.
Knights often had helpers with them, known as squires, they held their shields, weapons, and assisted them in other activities, eventually becoming knights as well.