The information can be more accurately verified, confirmed and checked
The measures allow researches to know, how to interpret the results will be more more reliable, definitive and standardized
Helps researchers to optimize the time and effort invested in analyzing and describing the results gotten
It focusses on hypothesis testing based on a well-defined plan and clear objectives that can be repeated at any other time and place obtaining the identical outcomes
The most important points about the advantages in Quantitative research are
Collect reliable and accurate date: the data is collected and presented in numbers
Quick data collection: Saves time and lessens resources
Extensive range of data analysis: permits a broader collection of data obtained from bigger sample groups. the outcomes reached are statistical. Thus, they are verifiable
The quaititative approach answers some fundamental questions for analyzing data like who, how much, what, where, when, how many and how
Regarding the positivism paradigm on which this approach relies on, social phenomenon implications are now here to be found.
The positivism paradigm neither describes how reality is "shaped" nor refers to how persons "interpret" their behaviors.
Measures variables in a particular context at a determinated moment.
Quantitative reserach can be insufficient concentrating only on numbers.
Sometimes the approval or disapproval of a hypothesis can be affected due to subjectivity of the researcher.
It is difficult to understand human phenomena.
Some reserachers claim that many influences affect people's response to question i.e It isn't purely objective.
Some standardized scales may be interpreted differently by participants.