My personal Contract

I will use Hebrew in my EFL lessons

When I give instructions that have the potential to be too long and time-consumin



When I feel that there is more that one student who feels confused and overwhelmed

When I want to discuss a deep topic like Social Justice, and I want to have a lively passionate conversation making sure everyone is on board, so that we can "dive" to doing all the project in English

When I teach lower grades and I happen to notice students with some LD.

I will use English in my EFL lessons

As much as possible

When instructions are clear and the class is progressing well as a unit.

When the class is positively active and alert

When grades are higher so that kids will be aware of the expectations from them.

Phrases and words in English that always have to be used in English

I love thiis answer!

Are you sure?

Please, thank you, you are welcome, excuse me

Good morning everyone.

Have a good day and see you next lesson

Open your books on page...

Please raise your hand if you want to answer.