No Impact WeekOverview
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The Week Begins
Read through each day’s challenge the day befor
We Provide Daily instructions: 5 daily steps, daily ideas and resources
End of the day:
Post a blog or vlog
Read about other participants’ experiences and provide support and ideas
Take Survey (mon-fri)
Participate in our nightly live webcast
Day 1: Consumption
1. Type up a list of all the stuff you “need” to buy thisweek. Delete the items that you can live withoutfor the week.
For the rest of the items, figure outif you can purchase them second-hand, borrowthem, or make them yourself.
2. Put an empty re-usable bag in a private place athome. Throughout the day, fill it up with all of yourtrash, recyclables, and food waste.
If you’re out of the house, carry your trash home with you. Make surethat nobody else’s trash gets in there but your own.This will help you get ready for Monday’s challenge.
3. Just for this week, try not to shop for new items.
Will you find something better to do with yourtime and money? Could you use this time tospend with friends instead?
4. What is the hardest part of decreased purchasing?
Go to our site and blog about your experience,thoughts, and overall consumption habits. If you’retrying something new or unique, tell us about it.
5. Take your brief end-of-day survey.
We will email it to you. You will be asked to do this everydaythis week. It will help us evaluate your experience.
Day 2: Trash
Day 3: Transporation & Take Action
Day 4: Food
Post-Experiment Week
Take Survey
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