Common ancestor (Has DNA)
Ancestor of Eukarya and Archaea (histones)
Eukarya (Ester bond, organelles, nucleus) American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
Amoebozoans- "slime mold" (Pseudopodia that extends like tubes and flat lobes
Opisthokonts- "black bread mold" (Single posterior flagellum on swimming cells)
SAR Clade- "Radiolaria"
Alveolates- "Dinoflagellate" (Membranous vesicles on cell membrane and second/ tertiary plastids)
Stramenophiles- "diatoms" (Tripartite flagellar hair and secondary plastids)

Rhizarian- "Foraminifera" (Filose pseudopodia)
Archaeplastida- "Chlorophyta; Rhodophytes" (Primary plastids)
Excavata- "Euglenid" (feeding grove and secondary plastids)
Archaea (Ether bond) Methanobrevibacter smithii