How the learner discovers meaning

Visual Techniques

These includes photographs,blackboards drawing,wallsharts and realia


These are often used to supplement other ways of conveying meaning.

Verbal Techniques

Use of illustrative situations, this is most helpful when items become more abstract.

USE A SYNONYMY AND DEFINITION Definition alone is often inadequate as a mean of conveying meaning, and clearly contextualised examples are generally requiered to clarify the limits of the item

CONTRASTS AND OPPOSITES As with synonymy, this is a technique which students themselves use often asking..

SCALES Once students have learnt two contrasting or related gradable items, this is can be useful,way of revising and feeding in new items

EXAMPLES OF THE TYPE *Furniture* Vegetables *Transport *Meat *


Translation can be a very effective way to conveying meaning. It can save valuabletime the might otherwise be spent on a tortous and largely unsuccesful explanation in English