revolution of modern science


sun is the centre of the univers

earth is just a planet

moon oribits around the earth

earth is rotated once in24 hours

explained the brightness of the planets

aren't always the same distatance from the earth

retrigrade motion can be explained in terms of geometry

explained the existence of empty space(vacum)

Tyco Braha(1546-1601)

used modern instruments before telescope

observation about Mars helped later

observations about supernova

measured parallax

stars were so fare to measure their parallax


Planets aren't circles but it is flattented circles

defined ellips in terms of distances

3 laws of plantery Motion

the orbits of the planets are ellip, with the sun at one focuse of the ellips

the line joining the planet with to the sun sweeps out=areas in equal timesas the planet travels around the ellips

the ration of the squares of the revolution periods for 2 planets is equal to the rationof cubes of their semimajor axes


correct understanding of how things move on the surface of the earth

first one to use telescope to study the heavens systematically

sun has dark pitchs(sun spots), sun is not perfect

discovered Jupiter's moons


3 laws of motions

theory of universal gravitation

demonstrae keplr's laws