¿When should a risk a ssessment be done ?
there may be many reasins a risk assessment is needed, includig:
before hem processes or activities are introduced.
wthe hazars are identified
¿ How do you plan for a risk assessment

In general, determine
the resources needed ( eg. train a team of individuals to carry out the assessment, the types of information sources , ect.)
what type of risk analysis measures will be used ( eg. how exact the scale of parameters need to be in order to provide the most relevant evaluation
¿ How is a risk assessment done?
assessment should be done by a competent person or team of individuals wtho have a good working know leoge of the situation being studied.
identifity actions neccesary to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk using the hierarchy of risk control methods
the lifecycle of the product, process or service (eg. desing, contruction, uses, decommissionmg)
How a person would react in a particular situation (eg what would be the most common reaction by a person if the machine failed or malfunctioned.)
Realizado por : Katherine Espitia, Andreina Jimenez, EStefany Paez