Business Presentation
Communication Technology
Better known as ICT (Information
and Communication Technology)
It is a term that includes
any form, device, or
application that forms
communication between

ICT Telephone

ICT Television
ICT Radio
ICT Computer
Four parts of the Universal System Model
They are the things that they
make objects so that allows
the project to be completed.
Examples are:


They are the actions that
are taken with the inputs.
Examples are:

Physical: like cutting,
shaping, etc..

Heat: means using
heat to shape or
change the object.

Chemical: like mixing
things together.
Analysis: means using
information and data.
It is the creation of results from the process.
Examples are:
It is the information that is present after
every part of the process, it means going
back and checking if everything is going fine.
Examples are:
Problems encountered
Predictions or future impacts
Basic parts of the communication system model
The communication system model is the way the information changes throughout the transmission so that it sounds better.

Information Source

Input Transducer
Communication Channel

Destination Machine
Rouse, M. (2005, September 1). What is ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies)? - Definition from Retrieved September 8, 2015.
Universal System Model. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015.
Sachdeva, C. (2011, March 1). Basic Elements used in Communication System process. Retrieved September 8, 2015.
Zandbergen, P. (n.d.). The Components of a Telecommunications System. Retrieved September 8, 2015.
Broadcasting. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015.
5 different Technology-related carreers in the Occupational Handbook and describe them.

They perform a lot of tasks
on and off the air. Like saying
the schedule of games or
say when the breaks are going
to be during the game, or to
even translate what's happening
during the game.
They are the people who take
pictures and they need to have
a "good eye" in order to
succeed in the job. They need
to express feelings or something
when they are taking a picture.
Public Relations Specialists
They serve as advocates to
buinesses, hospitals, hotels,
etc.. They are the ones who
maintains the good relation-
ships with the public.
Writers and Editors
Writers are the people who
write books or they write
articles in newspapers
or magazines. And the editors
are the people who edit their
Interpreters and Translator
They are necessary in
today's society because
they help a lot when you
are trying to communicate,
or when an event happens
around the world, they can
translate it for the other
people all around the world
to understand.
Examples of telecommunications
Phone Calls
Text Messaging

Downloading Files

How the communication concepts of designing, encoding, storing, retrieving, transmitting, and recieving apply to a TV show as it is produced, taped and aired.
Because you need it for
the tv show to go as
planned and for it to
be entertaining.

You need encoding
to produce the
tv show or for the
script, or for the
website, you could
use it for many things.
You need storring to
use the information
for another time.
To keep that feeling
that something is
missing in a tv show.

It is important
because you are
transmitting the
tv show by making
it aired.
It is important
because you are
receiving the signals
from the transmition.