d)Responsibility: We must always act with responsibility and dedication, since when I have a job I must comply with the duties that the company sends me.
e) Academic Honesty.- Dedicate to study, comply with the duties and projects sent by teachers, for example not to copy in the exams.
f)Equity, justice and solidarity: When you have to work in a company, you should always work as a team without excluding anyone, support each other and give everyone the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

g) Search for excellence: In the professional life when going to undertake some business I must give the best of my proposing ideas and strategies to give an excellent and excellent service.
I) Ecological awareness: You have to take care of the environment, proposing recycling and garbage collection.
k) Commitment to the development of the country: When I graduate from the university I will acquire a lot of knowledge that I can use to benefit the development of the country's society and economy, creating new sources of work and business.
a) Respect:Respect is very important since it allows us to have a good relationship with our friends, co-workers and family members. Without discriminating or belittling someone for any reason.
b) Search for the truth: When one is going to create a product to sell we must always focus on what society really needs.

c) Honesty and vocation of service: When I want to achieve some goal or goal I must do it cleanly, for example study to get a title and not pay a false title.
h) Quality in the service: In the professional life when you start a business you always have to treat the clients with respect and giving a good service.