Shared Reading

Conducting a Shared Reading Lesson

Teacher Preparation

Determine teaching focus

Determine prior knowledge the students need

Prepare materials needed

Before Reading

Explicitly state the purpose of the lesson

Introduce the text to students

Have students make predictions based on their knowledge

During Reading

Read the text to the students or have the class or group read the text aloud together

Teach and model or demonstrate the relevant behaviours and strategies used by strategic readers to comprehend text (e.g., rereading, making connections, inferring, summarizing).

Ensure that the lesson is interactive

After Reading

Give students an opportunity to respond to the text

Make the connection for students between the new behaviours or strategies learned in the shared reading lesson and their independent reading.

If appropriate, assign a response activity for assessment purposes

Student Responsibility

Active Participation


Strategies Taught

Questioning the text

Personal Responses

Strategies to support comprehension

Critical-Literacy Skills

Phrasing, Fluency, and intonation

Text Features

Word solving strategies

Reading and writing connections

Effective Teaching

Focus on one major teaching point per reading lesson

State the focus clearly for the students

Paired and grouped follow up readings

Whole group reflection

Provide feedback to help improve learning