Social Branding

Growing a Fan Base

Screening Posts


Screening post are the pinnacle of consideration content1 is all you need for each type of prospectTesting is everythingShould create 95% certainty

Harvesting Posts


Like a screening post but it is focused on you rather than on what you offer. These post find fans that may not be current prospects.



Once you have a screening post that works okay, let's say that is 4¢ Thruplays, you can just buy your Fan base in one fell swoop (i.e. 10,000 fans for $400). You will only use this post to strangers when you want to increase the size of your Fan base.


Fan Base

Video Viewers


3 second views with 30 daysThruplays within 90 days



Anyone who engages with any ad or post within 90 daysAnyone who visits your page within 90 days

Uploaded Database


Getting Started

Start With a Plan


Who do you want to target for you Fan Base?What content will you create for them?Set an initial budget to establish you audience size

Build a Fan Base


Import your databaseQuickly test multiple Screening posts Pick the best one, create several versions and quickly test them.Buy the rest of your targeted Fan Base with the best postSet up Your "Fan" Custom Audiences

Post Weekly


Now begin Dripping on your Fan Base weekly with a BCBA cadence minimum.

Posts / Content


Note that content can serve multiple purposes to varying degrees. For example a video about writing a winning offer with a strong call to action could work well as a screening or consideration post as well as an ad. A client thank you post might be great for branding as well as for consideration content.



Content for, with or about othersKnow Like TrustGoal is to buy brain cells and build familiarity & trustMin of 2 posts a month as long as you use conversion posts in between. 4 Posts is optimal

CTA Signatures

Guide vs Hero


Making somebody else the hero in a post wins on several fronts. It makes you look goodIt drives reciprocity like crazyIt transfers familiarity and generates referrals

Social Validation Posts


Sometimes showing off is called for

Conversion Content


You rarely get what you don't ask forContent that is only relevant to people consideringObsess over your hooksShould reinforce a pending decision




Plan on roughly 5¢/mo per person in your fan base so 10,000 people would merit $500/mo. Your numbers may vary but you want to be sure to reach 3/4 of your fans each week with a little more emphasis on solid conversion content.

Branding Posts

Conversion Content

Bonus Content

Listings to Leads


Listings generate endless cheap leads Agents pay so no complianceMessenger leads make conversions simpleThe ultimate relationship builder

Adding Sales Funnels


People in the consideration phase of a transaction are serious "Prospects" and merit 5¢/wk for MOF content 3+ times a week.You need Prospect Audiences(people watch 30 seconds plus of a screening post or people clicking on a CTA button within the last 45 days)You need plenty of conversion contentYou need someone to manage all the posting and retargeting, Dark conversion content (Lead Gen / Messenger)

Social Branding PPTX

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