Spanish 1 Review:

Suéter Sweater
Calcetines Socks

Cinturón Belt

Corbata Tie

Traje Suit

Vestido Dress
Parts of a house
Sala de estar - Living room
Cocina - Kitchen
Dormitorio - Bedroom
Baño - Bathroom
Comedor - Dining room
Subject pronouns
diffrent types:
nosotros we (all male or a mixed group)
nosotras we (all female)
ellos they (all male or a mixed group)
ellas they (all female)
ustedes you (formal plural)
yo I
tú you (singular)
él he
ella she
usted you (formal singular)
Times of day
Mañana - Morning
Mediodía - Noon
Tarde - Afternoon
Noche - Night
Calendar Terms
Lunes Monday
Martes Tuesday
Miércoles Wednesday
Jueves Thursday
Viernes Friday
Sábado Saturday
Domingo Sunday
año. year
Mes Month
Semana Week
Día Day
Hoy Today
Ayer Yesterday
Mañana Tomorrow
Primavera Spring
Verano Summer
Otoño Autumn/Fall
Invierno Winter
pan bread

leche milk

Manzana Apple

Agua Water
Verb endings
-ar: hablar → hablar (to speak)
Abrazar ( to hug)
estudiar (to study)
Trabajar ( to work)
Cocinar (to cook)
-er: comer → Comer (to eat)
Beber (to drink)
Leer(to read)
Correr (to run)
-ir: vivir → vivir (to live)
Dormir (to sleep)
Abrir (to open)