Dads friend Ben: He owns his own motorcycle mechanics shop. Ben could teach me about getting my name and business out into the public.

His co workers. They could train me to do sales and help learn how to

My Mom: gives me the option to work in the government of child and family health as well as be a social worker.

Her co-workers, all of them do different things and could teach me about the different departments at there building.

The Government, could teach me about other jobs within the government of BC

My Brother: Charlie works up north and has offered to me once i get older to go up and make some quick cash.

His Boss would tell me about where my next job site would be, what we will be doing, how long i will be there etc.

My best friend Brendon works as a contractor along side his dad.

His Boss/ Employer could teach me about how i can get involved in that line of work.

Mr Tam: Major in biology: Mr Tam could help me with learning about the human body and how he studied and got into Biology.

My Neighbor: He owns a tree removal company and could introduce me into creating a business.

His Co workers would train me and teach me what to do and what the job consists of.

My Dad: My dad is a motorcycle/car mechanic, He could teach me more about engines and how vehicles work.

His friend Brandon could teach me about heavy duty mechanics.

My Brother: Chase is going back to school for film and fashion design, Chase gives me the option to work in retail and or create my own brand of clothing.