Test taking tips for students

Bring at least 2 pencils
with good erasers

Always read the whole question first.

Do the easiest problem first

Don't stay on one problem,
especially when time is a

If you don't know the answer,skip it

Don't worry if others finish before you.

If you have time when you finish,
look over your test.

Double check to make sure that you put your first and last name on the test.

Write legibly. If the teacher can't read what you wrote, he'll most likely mark is wrong.

Keep you eyes on your own paper, you don't want to appear to be cheating and cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.

Ask your instructor for clarification if you don't understand what they are asking for.

Make sure you have answered all the
questions. Watch out for careless mistake
and proofread your essay and/or short answers.