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Tissue Type in the Body



Simple Squamous

air sacs of lungs, heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels

diffusion and filtration

Simple Cuboidal

kidney tubules

Secretes and absorbs

Simple Columnar

digestive tract bladder

absorbs and secretes mucus and enzymes

Pseudostratified Columnar

trachea and upper respiratory tract

secretes mucus


Stratified Columnar

male urethra and ducts of some glands

secretes and protects

Stratified Cuboidal

absorption, secretion, and excretion

Sweat glands, salivary glands, and mammary glands

Stratified Squamous

Lines the esophagus, mouth, and vagina

Protects against abrasion


Lines the bladder, urethra and ureters

Allows the urinary organs to expand and stretch


Loose or Areolar

surrounds blood vessels and supports internal organs

binds underlying organs to skin and to each other and forms delicate thin membranes throughout the body


Elastic Cartilage

external ear and larynx

maintains the shape of a structure while allowing great flexibility


between vertebrae

tough, shocking absorbing

Hyaline Cartilage

covers end of joints, nose, respiratory passages


Dense Fibrous

in dermis of skin, tendons, and ligaments



all over the body

gives strength and flexibility to the tissue

Adipose (fat)

beneath the skin and around internal organs

a protective cushion, insulation, and stores energy


every blood vessel

transports oxygen to body tissues



pumping blood

heart muscle


attached to bones

pull bones and skin


pushes food through digestive system

walls of hollow internal organs


transmit signals across the body and coordinate, regulate, and integrate bodily functions

brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body