Listening comprehension in learning English language
• Individual linguistic units • Linguistic and cognitive skills • Strategies and expectations
what is presented in the topic and situation-based discourses in the context
Techniques and strategies to promote language learning and comprehension
“comprehensible input” for the follow-up speaking out-put
To select the important, relevant information and reduce it to use it later in the future.
There are three distinct stages in the aural reception of an utterance.
the sounds go into a sensory store, often called the “echoic” memory
It is the processing of the information by the short-term memory.
the listener is able to construct a meaning from the utterance
It is how knowledge is represented and about how that representation facilitates the use of the knowledge in particular way, and what we understand of something is a function of our past experiences and our background
There are 2 processes:
bottom-up processing
When one receives information
top-down processing
How we process that information using our past experiences, knowledge and background
Some advices are:
(1) Listening develops through focusing on meaning and trying to learn new and important content in the target language.
(2) Listening ability develops through working on comprehension activities.
(3) Listening develops through attention to accuracy and an analysis of form.
To enlarge learners’ exposure to the target language and to enjoy the language itself.
What I can do to develop a meaningful teaching of the listening skill in my class.
I think I can improve my classes giving some extra material to work at home. For example: I think I can make a PDF file with a lot of links with different videos, songs and audio tracks to practice their listening. I also consider recommending my students some movies just to enjoy the language.
I believe this material should be focused on acquiring the knowledge and the skills with everything related to the previous lessons, in order to promote a better comprehension of the use of language in a real context.
What I can do to develop a meaningful teaching of the listening skill in my class.
I think I can ask my students to find important information in a conversation, paying attention to the context and the objective of that dialogue. For example, if my students are learning how to book a hotel room, first, I can teach them some important vocabulary and expressions, then, I would ask them to get the most important information in a conversation ( how many days the guests are staying, the kind of room, the price per night, etc..)