TTT Method

* It can be overwhelming to weaker students in the first stage if they aren’t able to complete any of the test.
*TTT requires the teacher to adapt on the fly.
*The first part can be time-consuming if the teacher gives a task or test that is too difficult for students to complete.
* It’s not suitable for beginners.

Types of tasks can be used


Open gap

Gap sentence

Multiple- choice questions

Discussions on the topic related to grammar vocabulary points.

PPP Method

The practice stage aims to provide opportunities for learners to use the target structure

The PPP paradigm has its proponents in the classroom although it has been proved to

The teacher presents the target language and then give students the opportunity to practice it through.

The PPP model of teaching has always been considered to originated from a behaviorist approach to language teaching.

The audiolingual method however doesnt care much about the last P of the PPP procedure which is production.

The PPP paradigm lacks another(fourth) P:personalization. We learn the language to talk about our knowledge, experience and feelings. The aim is to be truthful and meaningful.

* The lesson is based on students’ needs.
*No time is wasted focusing on things students already know well (there is there are or present continuous for example).
*Testing can be motivating for students to improve their knowledge.


Focus on meaning

Speaking is primary

Interaction through pair and group work.

Language divided into system and skills.