types of harassment

quid pro quo sexual harassment

It is a type of sexual harassment that is based on the exchange, it occurs when labor benefits are offered in exchange for some form of sexual behavior


in exchange for romantic or sexual service the victim can: receive a job offer, receive a promotion or receive a raise

Sexual harassment

It is simply harassment that usually includes ungenerated sexual behavior. sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of discrimination


sexual comment, jokes, questions, inappropriate sexual contact

Verbal harassment

it may be the result of conflicts that have intensified, verbal abuse is not illegal


It includes things like: threaten, shout, insult or curse a victim in public or in private

Retaliation harassment

occurs when a person harasses another to take revenge and prevent the victim from behaving that way again

third party harasment

It is a type of harassment given by someone outside the organization, the author can be a boss, supervisor or colleague


the victims are often adults, young people in low status or low power jobs