types of intelligences
there are diferents types of intelligence
1. Linguistic intelligence
is the ability to master the language
2. Musical intelligence
are the people who are able to learn an instrument quickly and easily
3. Spatial intelligence
La inteligencia espacial se define como la capacidad humana poder observar el mundo y los objetos desde diferentes perspectivas
4. Inteligencia lógica-matemática
It is the ability to conceptualize the logical relationships between actions or symbols (for example, a mathematician or scientist).
5. Inteligencia corporal-kinestésica
are the people who can make movements with their body for example dancers
6. Inteligencia intrapersonal
they are able to access their feelings and emotions and reflect on them. Although intrapersonal intelligence includes self-knowledge and self-appreciation
7. Inteligencia interpersonal
There are certain individuals who have a unique ability to get along or relate to other people.
8. Inteligencia naturalista
Naturalistic intelligence refers to the sensitivity that some people show towards the natural world, since it is the ability to distinguish, order, classify, understand and use elements of the environment, objects, animals or plants