Viruses and Cancer

F Peyton Rous...chicken sarcoma

first demonstrated in 1908 by Wilhelm Ellermand and Olaf Bang...causative agent of chicken leukemia

Sarah Stewart..discovered and isolated human cancer-causing virus

adenocarcinomas in mice were discovered in 1936...virus-induced

Unrecognized because:

most of the particles infect cells but do not induce cancer

cancer may not develop until long after infection

cancers are not contagious like viral diseases usually are

Transformation of Normal Cells into Tumor Cells

affect parts of the genome called oncogenes

Bishop and Varmus: Nobel 1989..cancer-inducing genes carried by viruses are actually derived from animal cells

oncogenic viruses: 10% of cancers

tumor cells undergo transformation

tumor specific transplantation antigen...antigen on cell surface

T antigen...antigen in nucleus of tumor cell

less round than normal cells and show abnormalities

DNA Oncogenic Viruses

human papillomavirus

Epstein-Barr virus

hepatitis B

RNA Oncogenic Viruses

only from family Retroviridae

human T-cell leukemia
