Proximity Control: get close to student and become aversive
Signal Interference: Nonverbal cues (give the look)
Review of week 12
Daily activity logs: students activities, and achievements to provide ongoing information for students and their parents.
Planned Ignoring: Ignore the behavior
Interest Boosting: Give choices
Tension Decontamination through humor: use humor to lighten mood
Hurdle help: provide needed help before child gets physical
Restructuring Classroom Program: Change organization of classroom
Removing Seductive Objects: Remove Highly Reinforcing Objects that cause disorganization
Discipline: Training people to obey rules and using punishment to correct disobedience.
Discipline also relates to learning because teachers want to have the best results for their students to learn
Functional behavior assessment (FBA): Evidence based, problem-solving process implemented for any student with a disability who has chronic, serious behavior problems
Set of procedures designed to improve educators understanding of exactly what a problem behavior looks like, where it occurs, when it occurs, and etc.