What is CALLA

Is targeted at language minority students at the advanced beginning and intermediate levels of English language proficiency.

The Cognitive Academic
Language Learning Approach

Has been influenced and supported by cognitive theory, research and ongoing classroom use


Grade-appropiate content topics

Academic language development

Explicit instruction and practice in using learning strategies
to acquire both declarative and procedural knowledge
in the content areas

Calla Lessons

Are designed following comprehensive lesson plan model

Based on cognitive theory

Based on efforts to integrate language, content and learning strategies

The content always is selected first through
curriculum alignment

Is designed to assist ESL students to succeed in school .

By providing transitional instruction from either standard ESL programs

Or bilingual programs to grade-level content classrooms

Is an instructional model

To meet academic needs of students
learning ESL in American schools


Language development

Content area instruction

Explicit instruction in learning strategies

CALLA model

Includes 3 components and instructional objectives
in its curricular and instructional design

1.Topics form the major content subjects

2. The development of academic language skills

3. Explicit instruction learning strategies for both
content and language acquisition.