
State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report

In 2022, employee engagement and job opportunities surged globally, coming back in line with pre-pandemic historical trends on economic development and growth. [...] At the same time, global worker stress remained at a historic high

Engagement ≠ happiness!

True engagement means your people...

...are psychologically present to do their work

...understand what to do

...have what they need

...have a supportive manager and a supportive team

...know why their work matters

Aspects of work to change


The total number of global employed respondents included in the full trend of data (2009 through 2022) is 2,208,292; for the 2022 data, the total is 122,416

Data obtained from April 2022 to March 2023 (reported as part of 2022 data)


The Future of the Office Has Arrived: It's Hybrid


Hybrid is here to stay

Hybrid policies

Hybrid Benefits

Better work-life balance,

More efficient use of time

Less burnout at work

More autonomy

Larger talent pool

Significantly higher employee engagement*

Lower turnover intentions*

Increased productivity*

Best Practices for Hybrid Workplaces

Create a “workplace value proposition.”

Empower the team

Retool performance management

Train managers and their teams

Beware of the real estate bust

6 Workplace Trends Leaders Should Watch in 2024


Organization changes made in 2023

51% cited the restructuring of teams

42% reported budget cuts

64% said employees were given additional job responsibilities

Global Worker Stress Remains at a Record High

Engagement Is Slowly Recovering, With Some Areas for Improvement

Leaders Are Restoring Trust Yet Have Much Room for Improvement

Managers Are Getting Squeezed

Overall, the “manager squeeze” largely comes from increased responsibilities and navigating numerous organisational changes.
Managers now have more work to do on a tighter budget with new teams.
They often find themselves caught between aligning with new directives from leaders and meeting the changing expectations of their employees.

In 2023, managers were more likely than non-managers to be disengaged, burnt out and job hunting.
They were also more likely to feel like their organization doesn’t care about their wellbeing.

Managers serve as crucial connectors for team collaboration and effectiveness
Managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement.

Organizations Need a Long-Term Hybrid Work Strategy

Low Engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion. That’s 9% of global GDP

*when compared to remote-capable
employees working on-site



*published research on this topic is sparse and shows mixed results

31% of leaders and managers and 52% of hybrid workers "feel" hybrid work increases productivity

Early studies warn that fully remote work could moderately decrease efficiency in certain jobs

Hybrid work has tended to yield small to moderate improvements in efficiency.





The balancing act:

Organization-wide mandates often backfire and disengage employees

Failing to ensure hybrid schedules are well-coordinated erode teamwork and culture


Hybrid workers are most engaged when their team works together to determine their hybrid schedules.

The least common approach only 12% uses a collaborative decision-making process.





More engaged employees
are less stressed

Stress level also depends
on work arrangement

What employees feel
should change for them to
feel more engaged and appreciated