door Aleksandra Guzeeva 2 jaren geleden
Meer zoals dit
'The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.'
Bill Copeland
Is this the right time for your goal?
Распишите кратко или подробно достижения на каждой из 4 недель курса
The goals should be timely.
What can you do two months from now to achieve your goal?
What can you do today for this goal?
When will you achieve your goal?
Опишите здесь то, с чем Вам еще предстоит работать в рамках языкового барьера.
What is your motivation to reach your goal?
Do you have the resources that you need to reach your goal?
How many steps will it take to achieve your goal?
How will you measure success?
How will you know when you achieve your goal?
Опишите здесь все, что Вы можете применять на практике после прохождения курса
What are the steps you need to take in order to achieve it?
Why do you want to achieve this goal?
What exactly do you want to achieve?