Categorieën: Alle - 健康

door Hu Mu Mu 10 jaren geleden


第二章 语言翻译错误

在翻译过程中,词语搭配不当是一个常见问题。正确的搭配能够准确传达意思,而错误的搭配则可能导致误解。例如,“put on airs”可以理解为“摆架子”,但“put on water”则并不符合规范表达。同样,“experiment with”与“experiment on”在含义上也有细微差别。此外,某些固定表达和习惯用语在翻译中需要特别注意,以免言不及义。语言的正确运用不仅体现在单词选择上,还包括语境的把握和文化差异的理解。

第二章 语言翻译错误

第二章 语言翻译错误

第二节 搭配不当,言不及义

提高质量 improve the quality of 提高价格 raise the price 提高效率 raise efficiency 提高租金 raise the rent 提高声音 raise one's voice
抓紧时间 lose no time make the best use of our time

抓紧学习 attend to your studies 义务教育必须抓紧 We must pay close attention to compulsory education. 对…抓的很紧 keeps a firm hand on

与人分手 part from 与物分离 part with
dependent on independent of
生活水平 living standard 英语水平 English proficiency 游泳水平 swimming skill 游泳水平变得很不错 become quite good at swimming


what …looked like how…looked
中国外交 the turn of century
浓茶 strong tea 浓烟 thick smoke
身体健康 he is healthy he is in good health his health is good
来信写道: The letter reads:
read写明 This ticket reads to Athens via Paris and Rome. 这张机票写明要经巴黎和罗马到雅典 The cake reads Happy Birthday 蛋糕上有生日快乐的字样 As the law reads, he is guilty. 如法律条文所示,他有罪 How does the contract read? 合同的措辞是怎样的 This paragraph reads as follows. 这一节的内容如下
请注意身体 Pay attention to your health,please.
At noon Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humor, put on kimono,airs,and the water to boil for coffee. 中午时分特宾夫人从床上起来,心情不佳,穿上和服,架子十足的灌上水去烧开冲咖啡。 put on airs 摆架子 put on water 非规范搭配
He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, hearts ,vows and librettos. 他一口气来到一个地方,一到晚上,最轻佻的灯光,最轻松的心灵,最轻率的盟誓,最轻快的歌剧都在这里荟萃。
weeping eyes and hearts 眼里流着泪,心中悲戚着
opened the door and her heart 打开自家的房门,敞开爱的心扉
subject 学科
The capacity to do sth. 有能力,能干什么
His failure to answer questions made the police suspicious. 他未能回答问题使警察起了疑心
failure to do sth.未能,没有
The doctor is experimenting with the medicine. 医生正在实验这种药
experiment with sth.试验某物 experiment on sth.在某物上试验,用某物试验
He is employed in watering the garden. 他忙于浇花园。
be employed in doing something忙于做某事 be employed to do sth.被顾来做某事
This is a rapidly rising modern enterprise. 这是一家正在迅速发展的现代企业。
The hum of the machines ended for ever the age-old silence on the virgin land. 机器的轰鸣声从此打破了这片处女地千百年来的寂静。
And the body lay white and still beneath the pines. 这具苍白的尸体静静地躺在松树下。
Improve Your Study Habits. 改进你的学习方法
打水fetch water 打猎 go hunting 打牌 play cards 打毛衣 knit a sweater 打行李 pack one's luggage 打票 buy a ticket
打了一条格子领带 wear a checkered tie 系红头绳 wear a red hair ribbon 抹昂贵的香水wear an expensive perfume 化了淡妆 wear light make-up 挂着微笑 wear a smile
词义的类型:概念意义conceptual meaning 内涵意义 connotative meaning 社会意义social meaning 情感意义affective meaning 反映意义 reflected meaning 搭配意义 collocative meaning 主题意义 thematic meaning

第一节 断章取义、望文生义

I am denied that deeper understanding of them 我不能对他们有那种更深入的了解
亚裔of Asian origin 加拿大籍华人 Chinese Canadians
蛇毒 Snake venom
一年级 二年级的“级”grade 2006级 2007级的“级”enrolment
公共危险 public hazards(公害)

登山充满了危险 Mountain climbing is full of hazards.

长(距离,宽度)breadth /distance 长度 length
你把衬衫塞进裤子里 You should tuck your shirt into your trousers.
社会环境 circumstances 自然环境 environment
上海的交通很拥挤 The traffic is very heavy in Shanghai
辐射型的 radiating out in several directions wheel-spokes pattern
diggings矿区 矿山 金矿
the presidential monuments总统纪念建筑物群
nuclear age 核时代
confront the rest of the world with difficult problems 给世界带来种种棘手的问题
many different levels and phases全国上上下下在许多方面
didn't care much about dressing不注重穿着
pork-pie hat平顶卷边圆帽
Chief Brain最有才学的人
a foreign country一个陌生的国家
cancer癌症 the Cancer 巨蟹座
the house房子 the House议院
the creator创造者 the Creator上帝
the maker制造者 the Maker上帝
in the rains在雨季 in the rain在雨中
to drink water喝水 to drink the waters喝矿泉水
some advice 一些忠告 some advices一些信息(情报)
be on the board是董事会成员 be on the boards 当演员
exchange a word说一句话 exchange words吵架
one's father某人的父亲 one's fathers 某人的祖先
liberal arts文科
hero 主人公
sleepling late 睡懒觉
in old age 年老
the dirt floor泥土地 泥地
this is only one 这只是其中之一 there is only one 只有一个
wind (道路河流等)弯曲,蜿蜒 The path winds up the hillside. 那条小径沿着山坡蜿蜒而上
However ,many of the top brands then did not survive and most of the leaders in the PC industry today were not set up then . 然而当年的许多最知名品牌如今已荡然无存,而今天个人电脑业的大多数领头企业那时还未成立呢。
the leaders 领头企业
My uncle always remembers me on my birthday. 叔叔总在我生日送我礼物。
remember 送礼物 酬谢
The local press challenged the license of the TV station. 当地报纸要求吊销那家电视台的许可证。
They didn't challenge the data, only the conclusions drawn from it. 他们对这些资料没有异议,只是认为由其得出的结论有问题。
He put forward some new ideas to challenged the interest of all concerned . 他提出了一些新见解,引起了有关人士的兴趣
The Australian football team challenged the Americans to meet them the next summer. 澳大利亚足球队邀请美国队明年夏天进行比赛。

challenge 要求吊销 邀请…进行比赛 引起了 对…有异议,认为…有问题

Rubber is not hard, it gives way to pressure. 橡胶质地柔软,受压就会变形。