door Paula Cebolla Hernandis 3 jaren geleden
Meer zoals dit
How do you explain your choice?
The rain is compared with 'long knitting needles', without the use of 'like' or 'as'.
Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as'.
What is the metaphor that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.
'The rain came down in long knitting needles.'
Coopera amb municipis
Ajuda als municipis més menuts a gestionar-se
Coordina actuacions entre diferents municipis
Divisió interna d'alguna Comunitat
Divisió territorial per a l'administració
Representa l'àmbit electoral de l'Estat
What is the literary work in which you found the metaphor? Is it a novel, short story or poem?
National Velvet by Enid Bagnold - novel.
Té competències L'AJUNTAMENT
També els cedeix ingressos l'Estat o la Comunitat Autónoma.
Tenen impostos propis
Format per
Els regidors trien al Batle
Els cituadans trien democràticament els regidors
Governa el municipi
Personification is a figure of speech which gives human qualities to nonhuman things.
Type in the personification you found in the novel/poem.
'- Not to-night, good Iago: I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking.'
How do you explain your choice?
Type in the explanation.
The brain is given the attribute of being 'unhappy'.
What is the literary work in which you found the personification? What is its genre?
Othello by William Shakespeare - tragedy