Categorieën: Alle - social - language - communication - internet

door Naylin Martinez 6 jaren geleden


Abbreviation and Acronyms

Acronyms and abbreviations are prevalent in modern communication, serving as efficient shorthand for frequently used phrases. An acronym is an abbreviation that forms a pronounceable word, such as MOOC (

Abbreviation and Acronyms

Abbreviation and Acronyms

what is abbrevioation?

A shortened or cintracted form of a Word or phrase.
OMG, Oh My God

to express surprise, excitement, disbelief.

is from a personal letter form 1997

BAE, Before Anyone Else

people to address their significant other is a clipped form of baby or babe in african american english.

HD, High Definition

television,film or video game that is extremely high quality whith very cleer.

DGM, Dont Get Me Wrong

when you think someone might not understand with what you said, or be upset by it.

OOTD, Outfit Of The Day

instagram and tumblr users.

exhibit their outfit on particular day.

FYI, For Your Informayion

in the lenguage of memoranda in 1941.

for to make a sarcastic expression in an informal conversation.

to send an announcement to someone who should know.

What is Acronyms?

An abbreviation that is pronounced as a Word.
MOOC , Massive Open Online Course

in 2008

Dave Cormier at the university of prince Edwar Island and bryan Alexander of the national institute technology.

YOLO,you only live once.

only in 2011.

FOMO,Fear Of Missing Of

the fear of missing a social event or oder positive experience.

early 21st century and widely used in 2011


20th century and had been widespread in 2012.