Categorieën: Alle - quiz - test - homework - activities

door Kaelyn Naim 11 jaren geleden


Act. 10.2 Weekly Activities for my eLearning Site

The content outlines a structured eLearning schedule spanning five weeks, with each week incorporating various educational resources and tasks. Students are required to engage with different types of materials such as videos, lessons, and homework sheets.

Act. 10.2 Weekly Activities for my eLearning Site

Complete the Introductory Lesson: A Digital Scavenger Hunt before Beginning Assignments in Week 1


Online Assessment



Act. 10.2 Weekly Activities for my eLearning Site

Week 5

Review all matieral from the past 5 weeks
This video should help you prepare for the online quiz this week. Enjoy!
Read all material for Week 5 online
Link to Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website for Week 5's Lesson Material

Week 4

Take quiz online on Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website
Review Weeks 1,2,3,and 4
Extra Resource
Use this website if you are still having trouble with the concepts in this lesson: click on the globe to the RIGHT...
Read all lesson material online

Link to Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website: click on the white globe to the RIGHT to access the site...

Week 3

Online Quiz
Review all material from week's 1, 2 and 3
Enjoy this youtube video about stem-changing verbs in Spanish. I think it will help you to under- stand this conjugation better.
Read all lesson material for Week 3

Link to Week 3's material on Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website: click on the white globe to the RIGHT of this textbox...

Briefly review the lessons from Week 1 and 2

Week 2

Take online quiz
Review Weeks 1 and 2
Sheet #2
Sheet #1
Read through all material for Week 2

Link to Week 2's material on Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website: click on the white globe to the RIGHT...

Review lesson from Week 1!

Week 1

Take quiz online
Review all material
Video Enjoy this fun video that another teacher made to help his students master present tense verb conju- gation in Spanish! I think you will like it a lot!
Homework Sheet #2
Homework Sheet #1
Read all lesson material online.

Link to Miss Kaelyn's eLearning Website: click on the white globe to the RIGHT...