door gezlia Ramirez 4 jaren geleden
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Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.
Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.
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Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.
Son muy antigüas y utilizadas para la navegacion "vela"
Se desplazan de Este a Oeste
Son grandes e importantes
Add summary of the content of a book
Circulan en mayores profundidades que las calidas
Add details about where you can get it from. For e.g.: library, bookstore, audiobook, etc.
Se desplazan de Sur a Norte según el hemisferio en el que se encuentre
Add the publishing information.
Provienen de regiones polares
Name the author.
Review your resource requirements and tick off the devices you will need as well as their availability. Add others, if necessary.
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Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Add details about your course.
Las crestas son impulsadas hacia delante ,donde se rompe y avanza sobre la playa
El retorno del mar recibe el nombre de resasca
Genera retrocesos y es una erosion marina.
Se producen en aguas profundas y son estaticas