Categorieën: Alle - discriminación - bogotá - clases - comida

door dana martinez escorcia 3 jaren geleden


Bogotá en el siglo XIX

En el siglo XIX, Bogotá experimentó un crecimiento significativo de población debido a las migraciones, lo que llevó a que diferentes clases sociales convivieran en el mismo espacio.

Bogotá en el siglo XIX

Topic flotante

Trabajaban en colegios de primaria

O en el comercio que les dejaban sus maridos

Apareció el ciclismo

Deporte que creo afición entre los capitalismos

Danna Michel Martínez Escorcia 903

Se dedicaban a la modisteria y a la culinaria

Les tocaba economizar la plata

Bogotá en el siglo XIX

description:My idea in the painting was to represent a genealogy of the population growth, because of the migrations, at that time in Bogotá there were no projects of civil works, the population was so large that they had to live in the same house, to the lower class and to the upper class. They shared the same space. While indigenous people with many families are touched to live in huts and grow their own food. At that time there was social and racial discrimination, especially the poor, the black and The copper-skinned, those belonging to the upper class in Bogotá were more than all whites. Maintaining high positions and important positions, one that another Indian held political positions. At that time there were two high-class social groups, the cachacos and the nuggets. And there were also two groups in the lower class, the gamin and the Chinese. Routines that were practiced at that time were 1. Women went to church, to comulgar 2. They walked through shopping centers 3. Festivities of corraleja, concerts, alternating with sessions of skating, shooting in white, billiards, 4. At that time Bogotá enjoyed the first projection Cimatografica. 5 enjoyed the opening of the Municipal Theater

En 1902

Aparecio el futboll
Como deporte elista

Los desayunos bogotanos eran:

Taza de chocolate
Huevo con guisos
Carne molida

En 1891

Comenzó el gusto por el patinaje

Las mujeres negras o indígenas

Eran las que hacían los quehaceres

Las mujeres que aportaban en el hogar

Su comida típica es:

Carne molida con maíz

La conmemoración del 6 de agosto

Dia en el que la gente iba a la catedral para admirar las reliquias
Que fueron utilizadas en la primera misa oficiada en Bogotá.
Aniversario de la fundación de Bogota