door Callie Sheffer 12 jaren geleden
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SubtoNow in the mobile world, Safari is the best Web browser around. But, on PCs, well, you can just do better. pic
The Top Sites' new-tab page view of your most-visited sites and Cover Flow history are lovely, but once you get past its pretty looks you're left with a pretty ordinary Web browser
Safari is very pretty, especially on Mac OS X Lion.
The one feature it has, that the others don't have, which I think is noteworthy is "Safari Reader." In this mode, Safari removes all the images, ads, and other junk and just leaves you with the text.
Lacks client-side tracking protection like that found in IE9. Lacks Chrome's built in Flash, PDF reader, and Instant page view.
Firefox has crashed on me the most out of every browser. I go to the same sites, do the same things, and for some reason, Firefox hates them. Luckily, it saves my tabs when it crashes, but it is still a hassle.
This lean, fast, customizable browser can hold its own against any competitor, and it offers graphics hardware acceleration.
Opera's app. store sadly lacks engaging programs.
It sounds great, but it didn't work that well for me. It would take minutes before it would successfully sync between systems.
Its users are very protective and vociferous about defending it and its features – but no one can offer any reason for its low market share; even after the Browser Screens were introduced.
Like the other current browsers Opera is fast, compliant with HTML5, and spare of interface.
The website can look beautiful in every browser except IE6.
In practice this arrangement is not as claustrophobic as I imagined it would be, but it has one annoying flaw: The "X" button for closing tabs doesn't appear unless the tab is in focus, adding an extra step when you're trying to clear out unwanted pages.
Microsoft's latest browser is faster, trimmer, more compliant with HTML5—a major improvement over its predecessor.
If you can get it, what IE 9 gives you is reasonably good performance, far better security than any of its predecessors, and a cleaner interface. It's easily the best browser Microsoft has ever produced.
Of the 14 bugs, six were reported by three outside researchers, who were awarded a total of $9,000 in bounties. So far this year, Google has paid out more than $360,000 in rewards, including three payments of $60,000 each for winners of its Pwnium hacking contest.
To pull up the Privacy section, users must first click the "Show advanced settings..." link at the bottom of the Settings page. Checking the box marked "Send a 'Do Not Track' request with your browsing traffic" switches on the privacy feature.
Google Chrome has several cool add-ons, but they don't clutter up your tool bar
Personally, my favorite feature about Chrome is the user interface. It is very clean and I definitely get more screen space on this browser