Categorieën: Alle - schedule - management - documentation - invoicing

door Cube Consulting Group 6 jaren geleden


Business Overview - Tradie Template

The process for managing electrical jobs involves distinct stages and responsibilities. Initially, an admin transforms a prospect into a customer, opens a job, assigns a team leader, and schedules tasks.

Business Overview - Tradie Template

Hills Electrical - Admin Process

Stage 5 - Client Handover

Job Completed

Print & Bind


Deliver Handbook

Customer Survey

1 month after completion send survey

Create Handover booklet

Project Timeline Photos

Final Plans

Test results data Sheet

Antenna Test


Stage 4 - Invoicing

Peter to sign off

Prepare to invoice

Material Purchases


Stage 3 - Job Management

Team Leader Responsibility
Done Safe

Audit Checklists

Tool Box Talks

Enter Labour Hours
Enter Material Cost
Job costings

Import Bi Admin Files

Insert invoices for subcontractors and materials into correct jobs

Attach Documentation - via Google Drive

Set Up Floor Plans - Blue Beam

Add Joinery plan snapshot

Client meeting notes

Plans - including revisions

Purchase Orders

Rough In


Finish Off PO's

Lightel PO

Customer Requests

Emails and Peters phone diversion - Peter forwarding

send appropriate message

Answer Calls - 1300 Number

Send appropriate message

Stage 2 - Create Job

Stage 1 - Lead

Admin Responsibility
Deliver to Customer
Follow Up

Automated email

Richard to Automate?

Win Job

Call Prospect

Create Quote


This will be situated on a selection sheet which is provided by, Project Diagnostics, the Job Inclusions, Meadowbank Pool Requirements

Provisional Plans

Provisional Plans to be marked up using Selection sheet.

Email Plans

Email Plans to
For Meadowbank homes terri"
the client for that address

Profile Prospect

Other Builder

Builder to fill out job inclusions

Builder to complete Project Diagnostics

General Customer

Follow Up Call

cancel job


Create New Contact

Gmail home> page click" mail"> new contact
fill in all details> groups >select customers so contact is shared through out hills



Prospect Complete Project Diagnostics

Meadowbank Pool Requirements Sent

Form to be sent to Pool builder Email Address from Project Diagnostics,
Information to be Delivered from Automation to Selection Sheet.

Job Inclusions

Send to Builder

Brown Bros

Carty Homes todd"

Info to go to selection sheet

Google Drive

Richard from TradiePad coming in 6/02/17 to automate


Create Customer Job

Meadowbank Job

Meadowbank Homes Preliminary Info