Categorieën: Alle - exploration - trade - colonization - governance

door Abeeha Shuja 8 jaren geleden


Canada History 1713-1800

During the late 18th century, Canada saw significant shifts in governance, exploration, and legislation. Guy Carleton succeeded Murray as the governor of Québec in 1768, laying down a period marked by administrative and territorial changes.

Canada History 1713-1800

Canada History 1713-1800

Cam is not cool

1791-1800's (Abeeha)

-Lower Canada and Upper Canada's province is formed
-Subto-Quebec is divided into two colonies, Upper and Lower Canada, each one with it's own Assemblypic.

-Somebody named Captain George Vancouver begins to start Summer voyages so that he can explore the coast of mainland British Columbia, along with Vancouver Island.

-Spanish claims to the Pacific coast.

-1793 York (now known as Toronto) has been found.

- The first man named Alexander Mackenzie, crosses North America north of Mexico, he then records his arrival at the Pacific on a rock.

-York (Toronto) becomes the capital of Upper Canada

-Alexander Mackenzie becomes a member of the XY Company.

-Lake trade expands until 1817, and now there are about 20 merchant vessels on Lake Erie.

1780-1790 (Abeeha)

-Finally, in 1783 the American evolutionary war ends
-After some time, the border between Canada and the U.S. is accepted

-In the area around The Saint North River in Nova Scotia, thousands of United Empire Loyalists arrive to settle, in which some of these people are arriving into Quebec.

-The Iroquois are given two land grants, because they chose to help the British people during the American Revolution

Fredericton opens a Provincial Academy of Arts and Sciences, the germ of the University of New Brunswick (1859

They find the Mackenzie River.


About 40,000 united empire loyalist immigrated to Canada.
-After they helped the British during the american revolution the Iroquois were granted 2 lands.

-The province of new Brunswick was being formed.

-Captain James cook was exploring the pacific ocean to Bering Strait

-Alexander Mackenzie journeys to the Beaufort Sea.

Cameron 1768-1778

1768 Guy Carleton succeeds Murray as governor of Québec. 1769 Prince Edward Island, formerly part of Nova Scotia, becomes separate British colony. 1770 Samuel Hearne, guided by Chipewyan leader Matonabbee, explores in a two-years voyage the Coppermine and Slave rivers and Great Slave Lake. He is the first white man to reach the Artic Ocean overland. 1772 The Hudson's Bay Company opens Cumberland House on the Saskatchewan. 1774 Carleton's recommendations are instituted in the Québec Act, which introduces B British criminal law but retains French civil law and guarantees religious freedom for Roman Catholics. The Act's geographical claims were so great that it helped precipitate the American Revolution. 1773 Scottish settlers reach Pictou, Nova Scotia, aboard the Hector. 1774 22 June Quebec Act, guaranteeing civil, language and religious rights to French Canadians, comes into force. 1774 Quebec Act is passed by British Parliament, recognizing the French Canadian's right to preserve their language, religion, and civil law. 1775 31 December American rebels' invasion stemmed at Quebec. 1775 The American Revolution begins gaining independence from Great Britain for the Thirteen Colonies. The people of Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island decide against joining the revolution. 1775 31 December American invaders under General Montgomery assault Quebec. The city is under siege until spring, when British reinforcements drive the Americans away. 1776 The fur traders of Montreal band together in the North West Company to compete with the traders of the Hudson's Bay Company. 1776 6 May Under Carleton, Québec withstands an American siege until the appearance of a British fleet. Carleton is later knighted. 1778 Captain James Cook explores the Pacific Coast from Nootka, Vancouver Island, to the Bering Strait.

1757-1767 (Mason)

There were 5,000 french soldier's that were trying to get to Canada and only 1,500 reached Canada.
-In four nights 1,500 Canadians,Indians destroyed fort of Henry Williams.

-In 1758 French troops were under the command of Louis Joseph De Montcalm won victory of the British

- The British took over Quebec Wolfe and Montcalm were killed.

-The English took over Montreal and took Montreal.

- The British took over New France and now new France is ruled by British.

-Now New France is is a colony called Quebec and an alliance of native nations.

- Murray becomes the governor of Quebec.

1746-1756 (Eli)

1735-1745 (Logan C.)

1724-1734 (Abeeha)

-The first English school in Newfoundland is officially made, which is known as "The school for poor people".
-The English reorganise Newfoundland

-The "La Vérendrye" family organise expeditions, that are beyond of Lake Winnipeg and start to direct fur trade more toward the east.

- In 1731, Gilles Hocquart pursues the postition of the Intendant of New France

1713-1723 (Abeeha)

- During this time, Acadia and Newfoundland and Hudson Bay's Company had became English.
- A peace treaty forces France to turn over Newfoundland, along with Acadia to the Britain.

- The French begin construction of the "Louisbourg" which is becoming the strongest fortress located in North America.

Construction begins on Fortress Louisbourg.

-By 1718, the foundation of New Orleans had began.

-Fort Rouille had been found, also known as Fort Toronto.

- Richard Norton explores, while Scroggs looks for a North West passage.