Discovery Mindmaps - Openbare galerij

Verken onze brede publieke collectie van discovery mindmaps gemaakt door Mindomo gebruikers over de hele wereld. Hier vind je alle publieke diagrammen gerelateerd aan discovery. Je kunt deze voorbeelden bekijken om inspiratie op te doen. Sommige diagrammen geven je ook het recht om ze te kopiëren en te bewerken. Dankzij deze flexibiliteit kun je deze mindmaps als sjablonen gebruiken, wat tijd bespaart en je een sterk startpunt voor je werk geeft. Je kunt bijdragen aan deze galerij met je eigen diagrammen zodra je ze openbaar maakt, en je kunt een bron van inspiratie zijn voor andere gebruikers en hier vermeld worden.

racher dalagan


door racher dalagan

Humanism as a learning theory
Luis Gutierrez

Humanism as a learning theory

door Luis Gutierrez

Reflective Teaching
William Marshall

Reflective Teaching

door William Marshall

J.J Thomson
Abigail Bosley

J.J Thomson

door Abigail Bosley

Bermuda Triangle Mystery
Allor Ajing

Bermuda Triangle Mystery

door Allor Ajing

451 By: Kiley Brown
Kiley Brown

451 By: Kiley Brown

door Kiley Brown

Evolution and Creation: Specialties
Mehul Shah

Evolution and Creation: Specialties

door Mehul Shah

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
Hassan El-Zein

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

door Hassan El-Zein

The Importance of Being Earnest
Lau C

The Importance of Being Earnest

door Lau C

Mendel and his peas
Agustin Sarmiento

Mendel and his peas

door Agustin Sarmiento

4.06 Seaborgium
Manuel Cruz

4.06 Seaborgium

door Manuel Cruz

Edgar Collins and the new Cezanne
kinda tarek

Edgar Collins and the new Cezanne

door kinda tarek

Arbresha Gashi


door Arbresha Gashi

WM3 timeline
Heidi Stubbs

WM3 timeline

door Heidi Stubbs

A Fera
Kimberly Linda Alves

A Fera

door Kimberly Linda Alves

Diana Dominguez


door Diana Dominguez

Part 1 of Mindomo Assignment
Joyce McClure

Part 1 of Mindomo Assignment

door Joyce McClure

Kim Thompson


door Kim Thompson

Indiana Stone and The Black Opal
Rhys Smith

Indiana Stone and The Black Opal

door Rhys Smith

Reverse Brainstorming
Marina Aiad

Reverse Brainstorming

door Marina Aiad

Angelo Solazzo


door Angelo Solazzo

problem 12
maggie c

problem 12

door maggie c

Chemistry map
Victor Flores

Chemistry map

door Victor Flores

Prospecting PFD
GasPedal Admin

Prospecting PFD

door GasPedal Admin

ENG 122
phillip pettibone

ENG 122

door phillip pettibone

Teacher Librarian Co-Teaching and Assessment
Seema Narula

Teacher Librarian Co-Teaching and Assessment

door Seema Narula

Space Advancements
John Lesslar

Space Advancements

door John Lesslar

Aboubakar Sidik Toure - Edenwood MS (1564)


door Aboubakar Sidik Toure - Edenwood MS (1564)

daniela gama


door daniela gama

Christopher Columbus
Luciana Castro Montalvo

Christopher Columbus

door Luciana Castro Montalvo

A 6th Grade Guide to Spacetime
Liam Santa Cruz

A 6th Grade Guide to Spacetime

door Liam Santa Cruz

life of the line
viviana patricia garzon

life of the line

door viviana patricia garzon

As light meets matter under scrutiny
mahmoud akram

As light meets matter under scrutiny

door mahmoud akram

Cristopher columbus
Jean Paul Ruiz Ojeda

Cristopher columbus

door Jean Paul Ruiz Ojeda

Star Trek Discovery
Medizin Wissen

Star Trek Discovery

door Medizin Wissen

As light matters
mohamed adas

As light matters

door mohamed adas

Research Process Steps
Basetsana Shela

Research Process Steps

door Basetsana Shela

Focus: More effective for Students: Discovery Learning Model or Direct Instruction?
narmi Kitman

Focus: More effective for Students: Discovery Learning Model or Direct Instruction?

door narmi Kitman

Reading Critically and Researching Effectively to Support a Thesis
Kristina Young

Reading Critically and Researching Effectively to Support a Thesis

door Kristina Young

Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel
Yameen Khurshid

Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel

door Yameen Khurshid

The Walt Disney Company specializes in storytelling through television, movies and theme parks
Janice Baxter

The Walt Disney Company specializes in storytelling through television, movies and theme parks

door Janice Baxter

Delivery man
Abigail Cornejo

Delivery man

door Abigail Cornejo

PLE-Jorge Valencia

PLE-Jorge Valencia


As Light Meets Matter: Art Under Scruntiny
ahmed abdelrahman

As Light Meets Matter: Art Under Scruntiny

door ahmed abdelrahman

Prince Edward Island(P.E.I.) & Canada East Comparison between 1830--1860
Mingyi Xiao [Student]

Prince Edward Island(P.E.I.) & Canada East Comparison between 1830--1860

door Mingyi Xiao [Student]

Library - Makerspace
Melanie Sander

Library - Makerspace

door Melanie Sander

Alma Delia Lagunes Paredes


door Alma Delia Lagunes Paredes

Space History Events
Cai Sarah

Space History Events

door Cai Sarah

Exploring off world
Matilda Cristina Espinosa González

Exploring off world

door Matilda Cristina Espinosa González

Knowledge Construction
Julia Crane

Knowledge Construction

door Julia Crane

Designing Learning Activities
Chloe Metcalf

Designing Learning Activities

door Chloe Metcalf

High School - Year 1
Stephanie W

High School - Year 1

door Stephanie W