Inquiry Mindmaps - Openbare galerij

Verken onze brede publieke collectie van inquiry mindmaps gemaakt door Mindomo gebruikers over de hele wereld. Hier vind je alle publieke diagrammen gerelateerd aan inquiry. Je kunt deze voorbeelden bekijken om inspiratie op te doen. Sommige diagrammen geven je ook het recht om ze te kopiëren en te bewerken. Dankzij deze flexibiliteit kun je deze mindmaps als sjablonen gebruiken, wat tijd bespaart en je een sterk startpunt voor je werk geeft. Je kunt bijdragen aan deze galerij met je eigen diagrammen zodra je ze openbaar maakt, en je kunt een bron van inspiratie zijn voor andere gebruikers en hier vermeld worden.

The Unquiet Library 2010-11
Buffy Hamilton

The Unquiet Library 2010-11

door Buffy Hamilton

Types of Audit Procedures
Sarah Randquist

Types of Audit Procedures

door Sarah Randquist

 Scientific Thinking and Critical Thinking
heba amr

Scientific Thinking and Critical Thinking

door heba amr

Environmental Education Mind Map
April Soni

Environmental Education Mind Map

door April Soni

math differentiation
Lorraine Douglass

math differentiation

door Lorraine Douglass

The Research - Inquiry Process
David Cruz

The Research - Inquiry Process

door David Cruz

Middle School Earth Science
Rebecca Steinke

Middle School Earth Science

door Rebecca Steinke

Tiffany Langbein


door Tiffany Langbein

Inquiry Process
Tamzen Kulyk

Inquiry Process

door Tamzen Kulyk

Indigenous Peoples from Colonialism to the Royal Commission
Kiara Edwards

Indigenous Peoples from Colonialism to the Royal Commission

door Kiara Edwards

Brette Winning


door Brette Winning

The Unquiet Library 2011-12
Buffy Hamilton

The Unquiet Library 2011-12

door Buffy Hamilton

Spec Ed I
Grace Bettencourt

Spec Ed I

door Grace Bettencourt

Gapminder and Tinkerplots
Jami Riley

Gapminder and Tinkerplots

door Jami Riley

PME 801 Concept Map
Voula Georgiou

PME 801 Concept Map

door Voula Georgiou

Mapping Canada: History, Identity and Culture, Grade 12
Jason Pilot

Mapping Canada: History, Identity and Culture, Grade 12

door Jason Pilot

Kathleen Rands


door Kathleen Rands

Who Are The Greatest Scientists Of All Time?
dina ragab

Who Are The Greatest Scientists Of All Time?

door dina ragab

Positive Mathematical Mindsets in the Early Learning Kindergarten Classroom, My Journey By Gail Degagne
Gail Degagne

Positive Mathematical Mindsets in the Early Learning Kindergarten Classroom, My Journey By Gail Degagne

door Gail Degagne

Innovative Learning Environments ZUPAN SPRING 2016
Joe Sisco

Innovative Learning Environments ZUPAN SPRING 2016

door Joe Sisco

Career Course
Matthew Smith

Career Course

door Matthew Smith

Teacher Learning
Amy Vujaklija

Teacher Learning

door Amy Vujaklija

Revised Core Concept Map - PME 801
Emily Wood

Revised Core Concept Map - PME 801

door Emily Wood

Design Thinking 1
Nicole Drew

Design Thinking 1

door Nicole Drew

Ashley Robinson's CoTeaching and Assessment Web of Understanding
Ashley Robinson

Ashley Robinson's CoTeaching and Assessment Web of Understanding

door Ashley Robinson

Kamaljeet Singh Assi


door Kamaljeet Singh Assi

Funds of Knowledge
Colin Pierce

Funds of Knowledge

door Colin Pierce

Order Fulfillment - Bnar Amir
Bnar Amir Karim

Order Fulfillment - Bnar Amir

door Bnar Amir Karim

the Core
Justin Brune

the Core

door Justin Brune

Collaborative Inquiry. How do Students Learn Best?
LeeAnn Fenlon

Collaborative Inquiry. How do Students Learn Best?

door LeeAnn Fenlon

historical overview of modern science
hoda mostafa

historical overview of modern science

door hoda mostafa

Conceptual Learning
Glen Morgan

Conceptual Learning

door Glen Morgan

Sample Mind Map
Oscar Becwarika

Sample Mind Map

door Oscar Becwarika

Core Concepts of CI
Maryam Hameed

Core Concepts of CI

door Maryam Hameed

Inquiry Project - Part 3 - Coralie Delorme
Coralie Delorme

Inquiry Project - Part 3 - Coralie Delorme

door Coralie Delorme

Demi Claudia


door Demi Claudia

Integrating Inquiry
Cindy Petersen

Integrating Inquiry

door Cindy Petersen

Who are the greatest Scientists of all Times? (2)
Rana Khazbak

Who are the greatest Scientists of all Times? (2)

door Rana Khazbak

Learning through Inquiry
Margaret Hogan

Learning through Inquiry

door Margaret Hogan

GDPI-PME 801 Collaborative Inquiry - Ryan Goldie
Ryan Goldie

GDPI-PME 801 Collaborative Inquiry - Ryan Goldie

door Ryan Goldie

Collaborative Inquiry
Lorraine Powell

Collaborative Inquiry

door Lorraine Powell

Holistic Learning
Nicole Gouveia

Holistic Learning

door Nicole Gouveia

Inquiry-Based Learning             (IBL)
Rebekah Bremner

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL)

door Rebekah Bremner

Reading Leadership
Pipka Stefanie

Reading Leadership

door Pipka Stefanie

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Barrie
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Barrie

door Bea Meglio

Genius Hour
Grant Leemet

Genius Hour

door Grant Leemet

New Map
Meaghan Confiant

New Map

door Meaghan Confiant

Assignment 5
Andrew Dobson

Assignment 5

door Andrew Dobson

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation--Thunder Bay
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation--Thunder Bay

door Bea Meglio

Grade 2 - Science Concept Map
Mariah Dubeau

Grade 2 - Science Concept Map

door Mariah Dubeau

Ashley's Concept Map
Richard Reeve

Ashley's Concept Map

door Richard Reeve

Core Concepts of Collaborative Inquiry
Richard Reeve

Core Concepts of Collaborative Inquiry

door Richard Reeve

DTelfer M5 Co-teaching and Assessment
Dawn Telfer

DTelfer M5 Co-teaching and Assessment

door Dawn Telfer

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Ottawa
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Ottawa

door Bea Meglio

Discovery and Guided Inquiry- PRIMARY
Samantha Eyman

Discovery and Guided Inquiry- PRIMARY

door Samantha Eyman

Inquiry in Health and Physical Education
Mark Kropf

Inquiry in Health and Physical Education

door Mark Kropf

The Reseach Inquiry Process
Decelles Nicole

The Reseach Inquiry Process

door Decelles Nicole

Why Learn History and Civics
By: Lindsay Moore
Lindsay Moore

Why Learn History and Civics By: Lindsay Moore

door Lindsay Moore

Core Concepts: Collaborative Inquiry
Alexandra Nushis

Core Concepts: Collaborative Inquiry

door Alexandra Nushis

Creating Inquiry Minds in the Primary Years
Iliana Grande

Creating Inquiry Minds in the Primary Years

door Iliana Grande

CHAPTER 2: Getting Ready for Inquiry Instruction
Hannah Cassell

CHAPTER 2: Getting Ready for Inquiry Instruction

door Hannah Cassell

Paul Mind Map
paul hickey

Paul Mind Map

door paul hickey

Makerspace- A 21st Century Guide for Teacher Librarians
Rebecca Heagy

Makerspace- A 21st Century Guide for Teacher Librarians

door Rebecca Heagy

Collaborative Inquiry                                 "Teacher come together, asking questions, looking at research and exploring student thinking to discover the way their students learn best" (McDonald, 2013).
Sarah Walsh

Collaborative Inquiry "Teacher come together, asking questions, looking at research and exploring student thinking to discover the way their students learn best" (McDonald, 2013).

door Sarah Walsh

Connections for the 21st Century Learner
Brendan Narancsik

Connections for the 21st Century Learner

door Brendan Narancsik

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Sudbury North Bay
Bea Meglio

Fall K-12 Board Consolidation - Sudbury North Bay

door Bea Meglio

Collaborative Inquiry
Kim Pauli

Collaborative Inquiry

door Kim Pauli

Culture of Inquiry
Yvonne Armstrong

Culture of Inquiry

door Yvonne Armstrong

Schoch_Synthesizing Key Concepts
Michele Schoch

Schoch_Synthesizing Key Concepts

door Michele Schoch

Learning Theory
Abby Glass

Learning Theory

door Abby Glass

STEM Exploration
Dashawetz Katherine

STEM Exploration

door Dashawetz Katherine

My Connections
Sarah El Manawhly

My Connections

door Sarah El Manawhly

Technology Integration Strategies for Science
Nick Zissou

Technology Integration Strategies for Science

door Nick Zissou

Professional Learning Framework
Mary McAuley

Professional Learning Framework

door Mary McAuley

Intermediate Divison Research and Inquiry
vanessa moreau

Intermediate Divison Research and Inquiry

door vanessa moreau

Claudia Han


door Claudia Han

Deeper Learning
kate vahrmeyer

Deeper Learning

door kate vahrmeyer

Johanna Aviles


door Johanna Aviles

Library - Makerspace
Melanie Sander

Library - Makerspace

door Melanie Sander

Making Connections
Alexandra Fiorini

Making Connections

door Alexandra Fiorini

Core Concepts Map
Mandy Walker

Core Concepts Map

door Mandy Walker

Achieving Excellence - BIG Ideas
Evie Basztyk-Benishek

Achieving Excellence - BIG Ideas

door Evie Basztyk-Benishek

7 Essential Elements of 
Project Based Learning
David Chiu

7 Essential Elements of Project Based Learning

door David Chiu

Topic 5 Content
Allison Brown

Topic 5 Content

door Allison Brown




The Connected Classroom
Jessica Virgin

The Connected Classroom

door Jessica Virgin

Equity and Inclusive
 action plan
Andrew Pearson

Equity and Inclusive action plan

door Andrew Pearson

Project-Based Learning in Social Studies
Camila Apolonio

Project-Based Learning in Social Studies

door Camila Apolonio

One to World, alignment  with various teaching pedagogical approaches:
Deborah Langille

One to World, alignment with various teaching pedagogical approaches:

door Deborah Langille

Student Centered Learning Strategies
Derek Liavas

Student Centered Learning Strategies

door Derek Liavas

PBL: what we know and want to learn.
Mackenzie Heidrick

PBL: what we know and want to learn.

door Mackenzie Heidrick