Categorieën: Alle - assessment - clil - strategies - interaction

door carolina porras 5 jaren geleden


CLIL essentials concepts and its complementary perspectives

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) involves teaching subjects through a foreign language, aiming to improve both content knowledge and language skills. Key roles for CLIL teachers include being team partners, language promoters, and reflective professionals.

CLIL essentials concepts and its complementary perspectives

CLIL essentials concepts and its complementary perspectives

Content Based Instruction (CBI)

CBI curriculum
Appropiate to the need of specific groups of students
Uses authentic language text
Based on a subject matter core
Learning language through the study of subject matter

Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)

Socio-affective strategies
Cognitive strategies
Metacognitive strategies
Student development of learning strategies
Instructional model developed for content and language learning

Sheltered Instruction

Teaching content
Socio-cultural awareness
Integration of meaningful language and content
English learners or native speakers English learners

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)

Based on 8 components
Lesson delivery

Create a lesson according to the students abilities

Students' engagement 90-100% of the lesson.

Content and language objectives

Review and assessment

Conduct assessment


Review of key vocabulary

Practice and application

Integration of all language skills

Activities to apply content and language knowledge



Clarify concepts in L1

Group work helps with objectives

Create discussion


Variety of question types

Scaffolding techniques per lesson

Variety of strategies

Comprehensible Input

Variation of techniques to clarify content concepts

Academic task

Appropriate use of speaking

Building Background

Key vocabulary

Differenciate past and new concepts

Linking concepts


Choose concepts according to the age and the educational background

Define content and language objectives

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) (ESP)

Students learn legal language within a specific field. i.e Business English

Project Based Learning (PBL)

Look for solving an specific problem to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by showing a real product in front of an audience.

Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)

Tasks' assessment
Task completion
Solving communication problems
Task is the core of language teaching.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Fluency and accuracy
Active participation by students
Focused on
Organizational and pragmatical components
Real context
Teaching language for communication. (Harmer, 2012)
Improve the communicative skills in students

CLIL Teachers

Team partner
Reflective proffessional through the experiences
Not a language teacher
Language promoter
Evaluator, asesor, designer and planner


It is when language and content is taught at the same time


It is when a language learning is taught with a content