Categorieën: Alle - selection - evidence - evolution - misconceptions

door christine naguib 17 jaren geleden


Darwin's Evolution

Charles Darwin's work on evolution fundamentally changed the understanding of biological development. His concept of natural selection explained how species adapt and change through variations that enhance survival in a given environment.

Darwin's Evolution

Darwin's Evolution

Artificial selection

is the intentional reproduction of individuals of population that have desirable traits

Testing hypothesis by studying:

comparative embroyology
comparative morphology
molecular evidence DNA
any evidence of ancient life

Scientific classification of species

Darwin's propositions

If changes occur in the physical enviroment, individuals will be exposed to new circumstances
All species are characterized by variation between individuals
The selective action of the struggle for existence between &within species
Changes which might be effected if there were a similar force acting on nature over millions of years
Aritificial selection has had a marked effect on the formation of domesticated plants & animals

evolution linked to the process of science

Darwin's keywords

The formation of vegetable mould
The descent of man
The origin of species
The Barnacles
The structure & distribution of coral reefs


permenant change in genetic material

The Galapagos islands

The type of finches he discovered there which were similar to ones in south America

The voyage of the Beagle

Darwin's misunderstood

Because evolution is not observable or testable, its not science
Evolution &religion are incompatible
Evolution is a ladder of progress
Organisms are always getting better

better is linked to the enviroment

Evolutionary theory is a theory about the origin of life
The fossil record is not complete shows evolutionary theory to be false

Popular misconception of Darwin

Monkeys are the ancestors of men

Newton's theory about the universe which was completed by Darwin

Natural selection

excess of procreation
variation within species
competition between species
Changes in enviroment