Categorieën: Alle - engagement - weaknesses - students - advertising

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Dong Thinh - ASHBOURNE College - Marketing proposal - Vietnam 2018

The campaign for ASHBOURNE College primarily targets increasing awareness and converting leads into students through a structured, multi-stage approach. The strategy involves using offline events, digital advertising, and remarketing techniques to attract and retain student interest.

Dong Thinh - ASHBOURNE College - Marketing proposal - Vietnam 2018

Đồng Thịnh Partners ASHBOURNE College' Agents

Offline Events HCM

Star Edu Centre

THPT Phu Nhuan


Remarketing Remarketing the people who used to engagement with Dong Thinh Fanpage: Students, Parents...

SOLUTIONS - Promotion & scholarship: To offer a special scholarship package for this campaign only, which is the best scholarship package in Vietnam market. - Process: Implement & evaluate the campaign weekly to have a basis for making decision to pursue the campaign or change or stop to reduce the funding risk and effectiveness.


Threats - This is the first campaign we build with a completed marketing model. There has never been any precedent in Vietnam. Risk and opportunity are 50/50. - The biggest risk is the failed campaign, which will not bring any students to ASHBOURNE College. - Students's caring will leave the information but consulting doesn't succeed - Not eligible for admission GPA,IELTS, Fees - Students's application will be offered but do not pass the interview - Students receive CAS but fail visa. Faling visa has may factors: unclear finance, feel students's cheating and studying aboard without studt purpose - Caring but doesn not be enought expenses to study aboard

Weaknesses - The Awarness about ASHBOURNE College from students and parents in Vietnam is low - Most of the companies, agencies or British Councils do not have a full PRESENTATION program for each university. All are building a joint promotion program for all partner schools with them ->distracting customers, with no strong focus on ASHBOURNE College. - The time is not sufficient for the customer to make a decision and complete the registration.

Opportunities - Attracting more students to ASHBOURNE College - Reusable data files for subsequent enrollment periods - Footprint (Facebook pixels, Google code remarketing) marks the customer's interest in ASHBOURNE College -> reuse and create data base for later. - Successful campaign, Dong Thinh and ASHBOURNE College will have many facilities to build similar programs in Vietnam.

Strengths - The full marketing phase, first implemented by Dong Thinh for our partner in Vietnam, ASHBOURNE College is the first college we devote to implement this campaign. The reason why we choose this model: Most UK universities to Vietnam enroll international students are missing an important stage: Awareness. Lack of awareness stage leads to low knowledge about institution -> not many bases, beliefs to choose school. - Dong Thinh Team has deep knowledge about studying in the UK and Digital Marketing to build, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. - This marketing model will help ASHBOURNE College better identify in Vietnam market, and create a premise for future enrollment

Custom Audiences: Stage 3 Focus: 3.760 - 18.600 accounts engaged at stage 2 Reach: Enganement: 376 - 1860 -> Student: 8 - 12 (2 - 3%)

Custom Audiences: Stage 2 Focus 1: 6900 - 41100 accounts engaged at stage 1 Reach: 5800 - 16000/day Engagement: 188 - 930/day

Custom Audiences: Stage 1 Focus 1: 50.000 accounts (15-18) Focus 2: 230.000 accounts (40-60) Reach: 8800 - 23700/day Engagement: 230 - 1370/day

Stage 3: 10 days Budget: 225 GBP - 450 GBP - Increasing Action from students - Convert leads into students - Collecting & filtering data for next year intakes

Custom Audiences

Studying in: - Phu Nhuan High School - Nang Khieu High School - Star Education Center

living: HCMC

English: IELTS

Male and Female

age: 16 - 18

ASHBOURNE College students

Leads Data 2: Who desire and would like study in ASHBOURNE College

Google code re-marketing

Facebook Pixels re-marketing



Mini Events HCM


Stage 2: 20 days - Budget: 675 GBP - 900 GBP - Increasing knowledge/interest/consider - Convert visitors in to leads - Collecting data to re-target at stage 3

Collecting Data 1

Digital Press Budget: 731.25 GBP - 787.5 GBP

Time: 2 days

161.80 GBP

#1 Official digital Press in Vietnam

194.16 GBP
Business man/parents

Advertising by Google Ads, Facebook Ads Budget: 1462.5 GBP - 1575 GBP


Total budget proposal: 4500 GBP

Courses Target: Math + Phycial * Engineer Medical School Physic Economic + Finance Arts *

Campaign 60 days 3 stages 3 ways

Digital Marketing
Stage 1: 30 days - Budget: 2925 GBP - 3150 GBP - Attracting visitors & Increasing Brand awareness - Collecting data to re-marketing at stage 2

PR content

Post information on Dong Thinh Fanpage (link from microsite, boost post)

Fanpage of ASHBOURNE College by Vietnamese

Microsite: Posting all highlights about ASHBOURNE College and call to action.

Target: 8 - 12 Students

Active in 30 days