Categorieën: Alle - assessment - environment - e-learning - synchronous

door Gabriela Galeano 6 jaren geleden



Educators and students are increasingly turning to e-learning for its diverse benefits and applications. E-learning offers a variety of assessment tools such as quizzes and tests, which provide instant results and feedback.


E-learning concepts, trends, applications

Quizzes and tests

In-depth analysis, environmentally friendly, self-assessment tool, further consideration
Further consideration

Learners encouragement to go beyond.

Vary type of test and quizzes

Look for needs of different learnig styles

Different kind of tools to assess students' progress

Self-assessment tool

Results instantly

Environmentally friendly

Less use of paper

In-depth analysis

See trends and posible improvements

Thtough graphic organizers the teacher has the possibility to analize scores and progress

Less work to be done, unique text, instant grading
Instant grading and feedback

Saves time for the instructor

Multiple choice test or quiz

A comment about strengths and weakenesses

Unique text

Avoid to complete a test by memory

Randomizing question and answer order

Less work to be done

Automated corrections with a LMS

No specific hour or time for testing

Elements of Online courses

Test delivery methods- online quizzes
Online quizzes

Students' progress is tracked by the teacher and students as well

Test delivery methods

Availabilty of material posted in each web browser or platforms

Instructor presence: Feedback, LMS content and material
LMS Content and material

Hassled-free tasks


High quality material

Instructor presence: feedback

Encourage, inspire and ensure learning process

Through instant messages and e-mail

Technologies used in E-learning

Data bases
Software that adds white board on video conferences tool
Social networks
Message forums
Instant messaging

SCORM and TinCan

Better support for offline and mobile learning
Provides simplicity, extra security measures
Exchanging data at run-time

Delivery and tracking data and content

Content can be sold and delivered to the user more quickly, more efficiently, and at a lower price.

Content can be used in many situations

Associate vocabulary

Get and set calls

Find content for LMS

Packaging content

A file which contains every piece of information required by the LMS

Shareable content object reference model

Synchronous and asynchronous

No real interactive educational environment
No schedules
Communication via web, email, messages, forums
No flexible schedules
Possibility to interact with other students and the teacher simultaneously and the teacher simulteanosly
Real-time activities