door Rachel Robertson 5 jaren geleden
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Laminite vs Nephite
The anent nephew lehis
they were both,
changes by the Lord
spiritually they were
Definition: Why you changed?
phically there were not white
You can always do it directly through example
can you answer a student's question with religious background?
if the gospel is truly living to love God and others, perhaps speaking it will rarely be necessary.
what made them this way?
do they still keep these traditions today?
are they losing converts? or are they still succeeding
they knew who they were. Did they know the why of life?
Do they still know today?
Other religions: What foundations have helped these different beliefs last so long?
CLASS: When students ask why they are learning your particular subject, how do you answer?
How can you give them the ultimate answer?
CLASS: How do we teach our students who they truly are in a world where we cannot directly say they are children of the Almighty Loving God?
CLASS: what does it mean to know who you are?
How do we help them real the next level of helping others discover who they are?
How do you create unity?
How can you start today?
Do you use what they already believe to build who they are?
When is it good to challenge beliefs
how do you teach this in educational institutions?
how do you help a child discover this?
What are the tools to help you know?
CLASS what traditions should we keep in our schools and classrooms?
How did Family Hist help them? how does it help today?
What are the effect clear into today?
communism on education
he saw the true character (past, present and future) of those he taught and knew how to help them get there
personal application: by the power of the HG see the truth of who my students really are and treat them in a way that will help them reach thier full potential.
always give them a new start and second chance. don't treat them according to past experinces
do you treat some kids with a little extra goodness if they are good kids? or all the same? QQQ
Christ treated some with more trust but never less kindness
he treated them with full belief and potential
know who can help
you also get to know your classmate
or its extra credit
only if you come talk to teacher
credit for trying!
Credit for teaching another student
credit for trying,
Extra credit only of worth if it meets the purpose of education, as in doctrine
principle Retake test as many times as needed, you are here to learn the material, not be graded
equality vs individuality.
To have equality you give up individuality
is equality still necessary??
merit is equality!!
who cares if your black pink or blue! do you qualify????
Funding and money from:
2% Private
4% Federal
+5% Blcok grants
title IX ($ to female sports)
92% is state funding
comes from
sin tax (drugs, gambling)
is it about using money we have better or gin the system more money?
Current issues USA
bonds buildings
Separation Church and State
Have some school implemented freedom of expression successfully? e.g. freedom to ask or express belief.
Religious Freedom
What determines how well one performs
basic needs met
should they have control?
Set Simple standard
govt hire competing companies who can make it the best system. to state hop.
Standard includes moving from state to state
then leave it up to states, then individual communities
better asses individual needs.
every child suceeds & no Child left behind
To much Fed. govt. regulation
leads to a very unfunctional school
most effective?
one on one
To find joy. Ultimately so they can become more like their Heavenly Father. to worship Him more fully. There is joy in growth.
Perhaps it is personal fulfillment? But that can be temporary and not long lasting.
built on a wimpy foundation.
Complete because you can have truth from one side of an argument, but lack the truth because you do not have the other
so any truth and how to apply it.
not worth it without application
hopefully they can experience
regard them as they may and aught to be
heighers of eternal Glory. like unto Moroni. "terror of Hell, delight in Heaven, a chosen people."
children: 0f such is the kingdom of heaven.
I am a child of God. And I am motivated by his love, to become like He is, that is, love.
Do i believe it? i.e. do I live it?
Sometimes no.
because i feel unloved/worhtless
how does one feel love?
Yes! sometimes
purpose to love others and help them progress in the kingdom of God. love them as God has loved me.
I am motivated when I talk and converse with others. I am motivated when I help someone feel of worth.
w/o others i am not motivated to do anything. with God I can do anything
the love of god will result in everything one does. it doesn't nessisarliyl mean asking what will one do that day to show love for God.
I am not always sure who I am. That knowledge is like a mucsle that needs to be kept strong.
I am a soul worth loving, weather or not i feel alone.
what needs to change? cuz where I am now does not match the past or future
trust The LIGHT of the world
look for Him. live in a way that invites Him more strong. serving and being prductive. learning the gospel too.
learn how to be fully repentant on Him.
repentance is full dependent on him. it is turning. it is not sin. it is change. he is the way. perhaps repentance isn't just for sin, but for softening a herat? healing? or is that more under endureing to the end? joyfully? one can be "doing" everything right, but still repent and find joy in doing things right. I think maybe.
where am i now?
Im not there yet. Why?
I kinda lost. Im not built upon the foundation of my savior
His foundation is sure. where am I building? I can't find deep meaning or purpose in anything beside building others around me no matter hwo hard I try. is there a balnce between healing adn seving another? maybe serving another is healing? and trusting others can be healing as well. no one is perfect, but the spirit can direct who to trust with what. perhaps this is the way.Maybe I can follow that pattern to come to know Him: first trusting Him completely, fingding others who can help, then slowly trying to see if they are trust worhty. then healing can happen.also going and giving of self toothers as i have strength. then I can grow in the Lord. I think. I know He loves me. I do know that. I can feel it. There has got to be a way. Im trying to find it and live it.
finding the good. trusting others to help. carefully. But knowing I can totally trust God.
who do i want to be?
Full of light and love!
renewed through christ
totally dependent upon Him. motivated by his love and a desire for others to feel this love. cuz then they can discover who they truly are and want to be. An absolute knowledeg and trust that I can return to him not only saved, but exalted. A pure testimony, I know for myself. Not a doubt. and a great huge love for the individuals around me.
totally changed by Him. a Total Servant, no other objective or view in mind than the will of my Father.
who have i been
glorious!! Full of lots of light and love and energy and a desire to share that with others. Help them discover that in themselves
totally dependent upon Jeuss Christ and trusting in Him.
Absolute sure in my divine nature(identity) and that I could trust Him, Christ and God's plan, to become as them one day. Not a all. and very and grateful and so happy. I know I can get there one day if I keep trying.
can this motivate me today? yes. the answer is yes!
most people will not use it
unless they are trying to understand what someone else is trying to teach them
e.g. scientific or mathematic jargon.
unless they are trying to educate their children
unless its in their field of expertise
used in many fields of work i.e. computer jobs, engineering jobs, accounting jobs, (kind of) scientific jobs
helps brain expand in figuring out problems
need it to get into most colleges
used in other subjects
Purpose often has a spiritual base: we are not there to teach religion, kids are there to learn the subject to become a "good, or productive" contirubutre to the world around them.
is your purpose of life good?? what is the definition of good?
if you don't know the purpose of life there is no purpose to math
use it in science classes and using substation to put everyday problem into a mathematic solution. such as a budget.
reasonably get from one point to another.
be able to do the math for a housing contract on what would be cheapest, or on a car.
un justified
most ppl don't use it
its fun to learn and can be really hands on and people can learn to create
could be useful in construction
maybe its more about how you teach than what you teach..
Like love. its not so much something you learn about, but rather, something you do.
if guns were given to teachers, would they go crazy?
ok if it does not hurt another.
What God says?
but the issue its how people define God
So in the classroom you are only authorized to teach that as long as it doesn't injure another.
Yes! if one has a true belief/definition of God and what he says
Something that is generally accepted?
what is art what is beauty?
moral principles
how well do you knwo them?
pull out
the hurried child
valid reason
help child solve problem
invalid reason(selfish reason)
Displin, as in taking away whoever it is they want most at the moment if the situation warrants it.
Why? Strengthening faith in Him proved a base for all life. purpose. If there is no purpose or solid base then we can never ever achieve. a minor subject such as reading or math etc.
Give them as much as they are ready for. not too much not too little
Yes! if you don't they will see answer elsewhere
As far as competition goes; I found competition to be a struggle, as I was always last or the drag of my team. However I think competition can also be positive because it helps people become competent. I did have a positive competition experience in an orchestra.
This was a competition based orchestra, I barely made it in. I had no private teacher, but the instructors were always so encouraging. They inspired me to improve and become better. I practiced and did become better and even was invited on a tour with the best players. In this way they never put one student above another. They always were motivating and if anyone didn't graduate to a higher orchestra they encouraged us to continue trying.
I guess that goes along with the idea of “success is going from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm”. Competition is often necessary and good, only good if one does not intentionally put another down. “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates.” -Pres. Monson
Not Help
Too much mercy with our justice
no growth
Doesn't judge
In other words, doesn't care about progress
Inbalance of too much justice with out mercy
Doesn't see the good
Just points out faults
"A righteous judgment sheds light on the sin while illuminating the sinner with rays of hope"
Only requires judgment when nessisary.
If its a matter of life and death (spiritual, mental, physical, social) do something about it. Or of permanent damage.
Ie. if its a matter of opinion, leave it.
= balance of justice and mercy.
How to Stop it? Being negative about disc rip nation doesn't work
What about a phil. o always being inspiring or discrimatiationg?
Saying the same message with out being negative. The positive is slower but sticks longer.
What is Discrimination?
What it is
Making a standard not everyone can reach.
I.E. Gender, Race
What is it not
A Standard everyone can reach.
Example: So it can't be skin color or gender
It is not discrimination when we don't allow people into the temple. the truth is we want EVERYONE there. they just don't meet the qualifications yet.
If Minorities Discriminate majorities, what is really stopping discrimination?
Those who initiate
Those who do nothing
Change self
causes progression, best on an individual basis than large
working in small groups, so individual needs are addressed, but we move forward as a group on a steady course.
Students succeed the most with positive, individual, attention (parents and teachers) The teach should know the individual needs of students to better set up these teach each other students
question: can a teacher teach a large or small
Assignment or vounteereistm should be used in individual situation. What option will best help the individual develop and grow?
a true volunteer gives more effort than an assigned person.
however assignment can encourage volunteering.
assignment is not good when it limits the righteous use of agency
assignment is necessary when you want the children to learn something they wouldn't otherwise volunteer for
Should be consistency that students can rely on
What matters is that they learn the material
learn in a timely matter too
"When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates" (see Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Report, Oct. 1970, 107).
look for the student pattern.
Don't want to teach them lack of responsibility.
you need to nderstan the material, better to understand something than nothing.
maybe did you make this class fun?
tests are only grade
can be reataken as many times as needed
cuz the purpose is to learn the material
all hw extra credit,
if you know the material you don't nee to do the homework
Why? so they get credit for trying.
need someone who knows that material
know students well enough to pair lazy with lazy and smart with smart....
not as smart? hard worker?
ask specific student to help struggling student.
Yes or no
sos and so didn't participate
did you learn how to work with someone who doesn't give their full share?
no you fail.
yes- you will succeed
Have half the class teach a neighbor 1 concept
Reaching my full potential, in other words receiving ordinances and serving others.
You could be a pretty crappy teacher even if you have a lot of passion.
when man rejects truth he cannot progress. there must be an absolute to have existence.
One cannot have the full truth only as knowledge, but must live by it, which is wisdom.
God knows and lives by truth.
Because God loves me and lives fully all truth I can trust Him.
E.g. you will die one day. or you have a spirit and body which make your soul.
thats why I would drop. I think even if a studnet is failing they will not drop if they have hope of succeeding that comes from one on one interaction.
your testimony then becomes God's will naturally, not first.
confuse self.. Make a stupid decision.
When one gets confused put it now a shelf for a while and pull it back out again then spirit says. also talk to other people about it.
treat class room in a more practical real world setting
have students solve problems
have students disaplin
have students make rules?
I have always succeeded with hands on, applicable experience. It stick with me more.
Live the simple things so they are ingrained. then move on to complex things
can feel the spirit to discern situation
How does one determine overload or not?
because in losing the beauty of differences we lose the beauty of the world. God made the world different to compliment each other, male-female, dessert-forest, etc
easy slip?
care for self before caring for others.
power position
then treat others bad
treated bad, lose love of life
I could have helped more people.
I had pliantly of extra money, but lived simply and used my resources to help others get an education. I didn't get bail somebady out before I died.
Survival by standing up for/living what one believes in no matter what others think. becsaeu one is not built upon the foundation of others but upon God.
A crowd has no hands and hope that one will step forward. We were valiant in the premarital world because we stepped forward not with a crowd but according to the truth, which we chose to live.
Why is it important to give individual effort in a crowd.
missionaries; sons of headman, EVERY son put forth effort and thier strength was great, becsaue every gave His individual effort. Satan tries to have you think there are so many your effort doesn't count. EVERYONE COUNTS. there is no comparison. :D
opinion is not truth, but can be based off it.
is opinion based off of truth or perception?
Opinion is always based off a truth that someone knows. it can be incorrect because one lacks the full picture.
A crowd has no hands to perform the untruth
learning is about change
learning and teaching is personal responsibility
the "talented" are those who are willing to work
agreeded. someone grows by earning it
sometimes a teacher teachs simply to say opinions or what they know, not help a student grow, which is the point of teaching
change curriculum according to the needs of society.
E.g. mental health, finances, taxes, voting (life skills) note: the HW is to actually practice this stuff
Because kids are forgetting the reason for education, therefore not valuing it.
present problems and ideas to solve them
this helps students become
how ever it is the easiest
mostly no rules, just principles to live by.
we make the rules together and agree to them.
we make the consequences together
what rules matter?
Immediate COrect disaplin for hurtful behavior
Her efforts: good station impact, but neagitive longterm results
perhaps the answer is help should never be permanent, otherwise ppl become dependent. (not self relient)
What if you put a total limit on how long the gov can help? it always seems like ppl find a way around that...
My thought: find out why? Emotional issues back home? Starving? ADHD?
How do you harness their weakness and mold it into a strength? e.g. ADHD
Is it possible to help them change to want to learn.
the tutor will train him up to be as himself.
my goal train up kids to bel like the father and the son.
One can better make a difference if he knows what is already out there. EX: One can know the art of the midevil era to better know and contrast the the art of the modern era.
non judegemtnal, kind, willing to submit to all things, say it the way it is without guile. A child is forgiving and forgetful of mistakes.
teach them who they are
Be an example in how you live, (as in how you treat people) then teach them to live the same way, as He would. play with them, serve and work with them.
Treat them with the highest respect
"Hail students!" You are the future leaders.
pausing too long ruins the mind
summer break?
What is the right amount of time for a break? when is it necessary? when is it not?
purpose, vision
practice irregularities
then a history or what others think of the subject. (if even necessary)
experience, don't tell.
Show don't tell.
suffenticnt instruction then have them practice!!
Step by step.
Each year, month, day, week, hour should have its appointed task not too much or too little, one concept upon another.
This is also a pattern for spiritual growth.
In other words you know where you are going with everything and your student does too! You are purposefully moving toward somewhere
Ex: You must know the purpose of life in order to give any amount of attention to a lesser purpose such as math.
The example of a man who was able to master so much by concentrating on one thing at a time.
both reading and math a necessary should they be learned one at a time?
not in a large school setting. Students do well in different subjects. So don't focus on one thing at a time.
Focus on one thing in later years
One thing strengthens another spiritually.
I think its ok to move from class to class because it keeps the mind going, but important not to overwhelm it with too many subjects?
Understand the purpose of multiple different subjects
Why do we learn so many subjects when we only need a few? Sometimes to learn we don't like certain things. Also skill in one part of the brain can re-enforce another part. Music to Art, math to science.
do students really need i pads? or do we need to simply do better at teaching them how to use it and not just giving it to them?