Categorieën: Alle - benefits - teamwork - culture - categories

door Luis Orlando Jaimes 11 jaren geleden


Examples Of Strong Corporate Cultures

Strong corporate cultures have a significant impact on organizations, fostering improved morale, enhanced teamwork, and a more enjoyable work environment. Companies with positive cultures, such as Southwest Airlines and Hewlett Packard, encourage informality, goal setting, and openness to new ideas.

Examples Of Strong Corporate Cultures

Examples Of Strong Corporate Cultures

Dominant set of norms

The history
Geographical location
Corporate vision

Cultural categories

But how to categorize culture?

In 1988 Sonnenfeld defined four types:

the academy (exposing members to different jobs so they can move within the organization).

the club (which is concerned with people fitting in).

the baseball team (with its well-rewarded stars who leave for better opportunities)

and the fortress (concerned primarily with survival).

Goffee and Jones’ (1996) model

takes a different route, suggesting a corporate culture is determined by levels of sociability (friendliness among community members) and solidarity (a community’s ability to pursue shared


and the fortres
the club
the academy
levels of solidarity
levels of sociability

Cultural Benefits Organizations

Hewlett Packard. Problems several years ago encouraged HP to change its culture; staff are required to formulate three personal and three professional goals each year
Wal-Mart. Founder Sam Walton’s concern and respect for staff from the foundation of the company creates an environment of trust that persists to this day.
Southwest Airlines. Its relaxed culture can be traced back to unconventional CEO Herb Kelleher, who encourages informality and wants staff to have fun at their jobs.
Organizations able to maintain positive cultures enjoy many benefits. Morale is improved, and the work environment more enjoyable, with increased teamwork, openness to new ideas and sharing of information. This activates learning and continuous improvement because of the free flow of information. It also helps attract and retain good employees. Examples of companies benefiting from the positive effects of corporate culture include: