door Tamara Luferenko 1 jaar geleden
Type in the name of your organization and press Enter.
You will need credible forecasts of profitability and strategic benefits if you are proposing investment in your business.
What is the impact on your strategy of this initiative? How will your strategy change to ensure that you can adapt to whatever this plan brings, whether it is good or not so good? Think about:
Add a strategic point.
Your profit and loss (or income) forecasts should detail where, when and how profitability will be achieved.
Add a highlight from your Profit and Loss forecast.
Consider making forecasts for year 1, year 2 and year 3 of your plan.
How will your balance sheet change as a result of this initiative?
Add a key point from the balance sheet forecast.
How will your costs base change as a result of your initiatives? Think about:
Add a key point from the costs forecast.
How will sales increase as a result of your initiatives? Think about:
Add a key point from the sales forecast.
Although the executive summary appears first in the document, it is easier to complete it last, when you can summarise and prioritize the key points in your plan.
Your business plan is a commercially sensitive document and you may wish to add a confidentiality statement (or non-disclosure agreement) at the front of the document.
Type in or attach your statement of confidentiality
If you win the investment or support that you need, where will you start?
How will the operations of your organization need to change, to support this plan?
Investors will need to know that you will also have the capabilities to deliver it, sustain it and scale it up.