Categorieën: Alle - verificable - hipótesis - intuitiva - estructura

door Victor Manuel Lima Condori 4 jaren geleden



Una hipótesis de investigación es una suposición fundamentada que busca explicar un fenómeno específico. Se caracteriza por ser intuitiva, producto de la imaginación, empírica, verificable, probabilística, científica y predictiva.



The Personal SWOT Analysis will provide insights based on your personality strengths and weaknesses, challenges you see ahead, opportunities present around you now, as well as future favorable circumstances.

componentes de la hipótesis

Finally, look at any threats to your career growth. This part accounts for the external factors that could hurt the chances of attaining your goals.

Imponente Referencial

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Will there be a drastic change?

List out future changes that you will have to add or avoid if you own a business.

If you have a job, will advancement in technology cost you your job?

Componente metodológico

Performing this analysis will often provide key information – it can point out what needs to be done and put problems into perspective.

These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.

nexo lógico

What obstacles do you currently face at work?

unidad de medida

Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?


Are any of your colleagues competing with you for projects or roles?

tipos de hipótesis

Once you have listed out your SWOT - It's now time to evaluate and determine further steps that need to be taken in order to achieve your goals.

There are mainly two methods:
1) Matching
2) Turning negatives into positives

Por su estructura

The other method is converting your weaknesses into strengths or threats into opportunities.

For example: growing a skill set through education, finding a creative way to feature a weakness as a strength, etc.

H. variables causa-efecto
H. variables correlacionales
H. variables complementarios
H. de una sola variable


Por su función

You can evaluate your results using the matching method, which means connecting two of the categories to determine a course of action.

Please see a few examples here.

H. experimentales
H. explicativas

Matching weaknesses to threats exposes areas you should work on or situations to avoid, letting you know where to be more defensive as well.

H. Correlacional


H. descriptivas

For example matching strengths to opportunities shows you where to be aggressive and take action.


Fuentes de la hipótesis

This is the most important step of all: bringing the plan into action.

Start using your results to track your progress. Set up measurements and milestones and keep working toward them. Step by step, you will get where you want to be, so get started now!

Generalización de resultados de investigación
Teóricas científicas
Observación de necesidades
observación intereses
Observación situación problemática
Observación de hechos

Clases de hipotesis

For the opportunities section, look at the external factors you can take advantage of in pursuing a promotion, finding a new job or determining a direction for your career.

hipótesis estadística

What will you gain from the opportunities that you might take advantage of?

List out all the things that will help you.

Here are some examples:

expresa en términos estadísticos las respuestas
H. de trabajo o operacional

'Technology' is not equal to Information Technology. For example, if you are in the soap-making business and you bring machines that speed up the process, you have introduced new technology or a process.

Add some questions and answers related to your industry and niche.

Derivan de la H. especifica
H. no prevista

Try to create your own questions and answers that relate to your industry.

H. Alternas

Posible respuesta diferente

H. Nulas

Negación de H. de investigación

H. prevista

If you plan on changing your job or investing in your own business:

Have you calculated the risk involved?

Add a few questions and answers of your own related to the industry that you work in.

H. Secundaria/especificas
H. Principales


Características de la hipótesis

This part examines the areas which you need to improve and the things that will set you back in your career.

It is really important to be honest when you list out your weaknesses.


These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.


puede ser verdadero o falso


Se anticipa a los hechos futuros


Ask people around you about your weaknesses - such as the colleague sitting next to you, your sibling or your best friend.

Producto de la imaginación


Existe verificación en la realidad


Do you have stage fright? Or do you become nervous and sweaty when you give a presentation in a room full of people staring at you?

That is something you should definitely work on!

List out such things that you need to improve.

My presentation skillsMy public speaking skillsI need to be more detail-orientedI need to be Less InsecureOther

apoya en experiencia, hechos de la realidad


Have you ever heard a mother yell at her kid 'Get off your phone or I will throw that phone away'?

Again, be honest and list out all those negative work habits that you have. Your parents/wife/husband/colleagues might help you correctly point them out if you are stuck!

I Procrastinate a lot!I constantly arrive late at workSocial media addictionUnable to keep track of my expensesOther

apoya en teóricas y leyes, principios

Concepto de hipótesis

Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others.

List out all your strengths - if you get stuck, talk to people around you and ask for their input. Please be honest with yourself.