Categorieën: Alle - trade - colonization - indigenous - soldiers

door Vanessa Rivera 1 jaar geleden


history notes.

Early European exploration and colonization efforts in North America involved significant interactions between explorers, soldiers, and Indigenous peoples. French explorers like Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain played pivotal roles.

history notes.

history notes.

Main topic

interactions with the first nation people

other effects of the European newcomers
brough disese with them EX: smallpox

other EX:chlera, thyohus, inlfluenza

alchohal had a negative effect on there lives:they traded a lot for it

some goods thing they got: pots, knives, axes, blankets, clothes, rifles

french thought the first nations faith was wrong so there for the FN got offended and when it came to war sometimes the FN targeted french religous centres .
many CDB marryed FN woman to make it easier to trade

not many Fn men married french woman

the church tried to regulate them but there was only so much they could do. some couples got married with out the churches approve

this was call metis= mixed in french

in the early 1800 the metis were an important part of the west

Increased First Nations Rivalries
hurons and Iroquoians are enemy but trade made it even worse

hurons asked champlain if they could help them attack the iroquans

they won and Champlain named a river after him

allies or subjects
the new comers tried to assimilate the FN people but soon came to realize and accept there differences

tried to make FN catholic

the farmers

Farmers who lived on the land owned by the seigneurs , all members of the family worked.

Grew crops and raised animals, giving portions of their production to be the seigneur

Worked for seigneur,planting and harvesting maintaining the church and roadways


stored grain and flour

brought animals back from pasture for winter

stacked firewood and butchered some animals

stored provisions for winter

prepared fields for next year’s crop

filles du roi
Young woman(many of them orphans) important from france by the king

The young woman would marry the men of NF, thus helping to develop the colony by providing stable families.

King provided them with free transportation to NF as week as a dowry (money)


repaired fence took animals to pasture

ploughed and planted fields with vegetables and grains (wheat,oats, barley

Large area of land set beside a river to provider water for farming

Seigneur kept large portion of land, rest was divided into narrow strips for habitats

Common land set aside for social and recreational events


Cared for animals

Cut trees for firewood

Man who won the kings favour

Soldiers or supporters of the king

Given a seigneur( large area of land ) to section off for himself and farm families


Planted hay for winter animales to feed on

harvested grains crops and took some of them to seignuers mill To be grounded into flour

fur traders

all about fur traders
Canada was rich is furs

FN people were keen to trade pelt for supplies

Coureurs des bois = traders who left there colony to trade with trappers and hunters

CDB were operating illegally and had to be careful

In 1663 king louis XIV took over NF

it was now legal for anyone to trade in NF with first nations

in 1663 the company of the hundred assicalte , a private trading company controlled NF in the name of the king- before king louis XIV

after the company lost its monopoly the number of CDB went up

people had problems with CDB because of this the king put a stop to CDB.

He forbid the CDB for any " on traders to come back or they would face punishments

the days of CDB were over

Reilgous Figures

The Ursuline nuns
in 1639 three ursuline nuns arrived at quebec to create a school to teach ladys

boys learned : lawyers, doctor,priest

girls learned: nuns wives moms

boys were taught: latin, math, philosophy, religen

girls were taught: reading, writing, arithmetic, homemaking

Reilgous figures
catholic churches were the only churches taken to NF

Christianize is a form of roman catholic church

protestants= protester against some believes of the roman church.

many were killed by the catholic majors

Sainte-maria among hurons
Iroquois were enemies with the hurons

1648- Sainte-maria was done and ready but had high walls so war would not break out between Iroquois and Huron

Iroguois attacked Huron's in 1648

the next year they abandon sante-maria for there safety- they built a new center just off the coast of lake huron- no safer due to lack of food.

Iroquois found the center i 1649 and destroyed it

Jesuit priest
Jesuits: missionaries sent to NF

in 1611 they arrived at NF

goals: spread RCR to NF

Goals: to establish schools for boys.

Explorers and miltary people

some soldier decided to stay in NF even after service ended

money from the king helps

soldiers helped colony of NF

Samuel de Champain
from 1603 to his death in 1635, SC crossed the Atlantic many time, in search for riches and to find a route to the orient for France

his skills as a map maker where great

maped much of NF coast line, Lawrence river and inland

he explored the costly regain, foundered Quebec city city: established a military alliance with the Huron people

the "father of new france"

Jacques Cartier
1534- king of France sends JC to explore and find things -trade root to orient -precious gems and medals

landed at nfld, decide to go go farther in land, plants huge cross ton claim land

cheif.D, see's cross, brings row and son's to protest. JC convinces Donnacana to let him bring his son's to France

trade starts to come to NF. Donnacana wants to control it

Cheif D son's spoke in France and could translate if allowed

Cheif.d didn't want to help JC anymore

JC had a tough winter near Standacona losing almost 110 of his crew to scurvy

Irouqouis taught them to drink boiled cedar leafs to avoid scurvy. only 25 died.

kidnapped donnacona and his sons to impress the king. relationship soured

iroquis died, JC never explored again

before the new comers
Fn live off land, had complex societies

Fn respect for earth was high

respected for older people

Some Fn groups were matrimonial ( traced ancestry through mothers

own religion- worshiped the creator,or great spirit