Categorieën: Alle - symptoms - treatment - brain

door ryan pascal 8 jaren geleden


Human Brain

Anabolic steroids can significantly affect the brain, particularly the limbic system, which is responsible for emotional behavior. Users may experience aggressive behavior, commonly referred to as '

Human Brain


Human Brain


Treatments can include intervention, medication, ange management, and many other methods.

If abuse is mild with some treatment there may be only little harm caused. if the abuse is large there could be life treatening side effects.

Anyone who uses steroids can be affected.

Steroids interfere with the limbic system of the brain which is invloved in emotional behavior. The Steroids cause aggresive behavoir known as "roid rage." Learning, memory and judgement may also be affected by them.

A doctor can usually tell if a person is abusing steroids when they walk in the door because of how big there muscles are. Blood nd urine tests may be given also.

Steroids is a choice made by the person using them. A person may continue to use them becuase of the satisfaction they recieve from the result of using them.

Steroids come in tablet and liquid form. They can get taken orally or injected. People who use steroids typically take them in cycles of weeks or months. The main purpose of steroid abusers is to increase muscle growth, strength, and performance.


The only cure for the polio virus is time. A vaccine can be given to help prevent the virus.

Almost all who get polio will come out prefectly fine. There will be a few who will have some sort of symptoms and even fewer who have seroius sympotoms.

Anyone can get the polio virus.

When a person gets the poliovirus symoptoms will usually appear in 7 to 14 days. Up to 955 of people who get the poliovirus will have no symptoms but can still spread the virus. If a perosn does get symptoms it will be from one of three groups of symptoms: minor polio symptoms, aseptic meningitis, paralytic poliomyelities.

To diagnose a doctor will first ask a number of questions: symptoms, current medical conditions, current medications, family history of medical conditions.

If polio is suspected the doctor will preform certain tests. These tests will look for the virus or antibodies the body ade against the poliovirus. A stool sample or a throat swab will be taken for the test.

Polio is caused from a virus that spreads from person to person invading the brain and spinal cord.


Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease.

Tourette Syndrome

The Brain

The areas of the brain affected by tourettes is the frontal lobes and the basal ganglia. Evidence suggestd that imbalces in the brain chemicals, dopamine and nonadrenaline, can result in Tourettes.


There is no known cures for tourettes but the tics can be learned to be managed and controled by counseling.


People with tourettes can still live a happy and productive life. It will not affect them in their profesional lifes.

Who's Affected

Any one of any race or gender can get tourettes. males are 3 to 4 times more likely to get it.


The first symptoms of tourettes usually are involuntary movements (tics) of the face, arms, limbs or trunk. These tics are frequent, repetitive and rapid. The most common first symptom is a facial tic (eye blink, nose twitch, grimace). This could advance to involuntary movements of the entire body, such ad kicking or stomping.

How it's Diagnosed

Both involuntary movements and vocalizations must be present to diagnose tourettes.


There is no exact cause to why tourettes occurs the only theories are either genetics or brain abnormalities.


Tourettes is a neurological disorder which becomes evident in early childhood or adolescence before the age of 18 years and is defined by multiple motor and vocal tics lasting for more than one year.