door Thomas Juli 12 jaren geleden
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This MVP Questionnaire helps you put your ideas and resulting project into perspective.
You can start your MVP at any place, i.e., first define your Motivation, then Vision followed by Project Objectives. Or you may already have a good idea of a project; in this case the Questionnaire helps you clarify your Motivation and the overall Vision and direction of your project.
The 5 Why's helps you dig deeper into your motivation and vision. While it is not mandatory it facilitates identifying the driver of your project. This helps you and give others a much better idea what is behind your problem, idea, project. Ideally, others can identify with your MVP, too. This would be a critical success factor for securing necessary support to finetune your project and build a winning and performing project team.
In planning your project make sure that it always is in sync with your MVP.
In case you have any questions, send an email to and an i-Sparks coach will contact you.
Good project objective(s) = specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timeboxed (i.e., include start and end dates)
Project Success
stories people can relate to. This could be achieved by pictures, quotes, similar experiences elsewhere, etc.
What does "Project Success" mean to us?
1. Opening a school in north easter region of India 2. Govt permission to run the school 3. Identify right teachers for teaching and administration 4. Able to identify food vendors & right permits 5. Able to transport students from/to school to home 6. Finally securing funding to be able to manage the school year after year
The vision is to help under privileged kids to empower, enable to be strong to take on the challenge of life, thru primary education and lessons. Later on provide scholarship students on merit based (identified from those students) for study in college.
People who are on the receiving side would have opportunity for a better future.
People who is on the giving side, would benefit from making a better community.
ecnomic + social + political benefits and stability for whole society
a greater "us" feeling vs. we and the others
societal cooperation and synergy
... WHY?
Bringing up a good human being with morale and ethics.
good / basic education especially for poor = investment in future
creation of new / additional socio-economic opportunities without risking existing ones
greater social stability
creation of investment friendlier climate
ecnomic + social + political benefits and stability
political instability
economic impacts
less investments in country / region
worsening of socio-, economic, political problems
social impacts
poor remain poor, rich remain rich
gap between rich and poor is widening
social tension
"rich" spend money on protecting themselves from poor vs. investing in future opportunities
foregone opportunities benefitting whole society
status quo is preserved or worsened
lower GDP
lower tax income
less money for public investments
less investment in future
foregone growth opportunities benefitting whole society
status quo is reserved or worsened
Even if India is doing well by IT industry expansion, humanity has not improved
Lack of respect other people, especially for poor people,
making them do whatever, yelling at them like a dirt, has become a normal way of life.
"affluent" / middle class are indifferent of poor
do not SEE widening gap between "rich" and poor
do not have ability to study, afford school, pay for books, tuition
parents send their kids to earn money vs study to support their daily live just to survive
no immediate, imment benefits of education that could feed a family
vicious circle: no education, no skills, no money, begging / surviving, focusing on imminent threats / challenges, ...
society / community
Well I feel rich is getting richer, Poor is getting poorer in India, On top of that, Govt. policies are not taking care of absolute poor. Poverty/begging is overlooked. Average middle class people are busy making their life. The gap between rich & poor is expanding exponentially. Lack of education on poor community, political corruption, lack of incentives for middle class to help the community has taken a toll. Begging has become a business now. Pretty much what happens in India is , everyone trying to fatten their own pockets. Terrible for a community.
Unaffordable and Deteriorating Quality of Education in India | InstaBlog – Community Viewpoint
Teaching abroad at a community centre - MondoChallenge
Govt. policies are not taking care of absolute poor.
Poverty/begging is overlooked
Begging has become a business now
Average middle class people are busy making their life
The gap between rich & poor is expanding exponentially
Lack of education on poor community, political corruption, lack of incentives for middle class to help the community has taken a toll. Pretty much what happens in India is , everyone trying to fatten their own pockets.